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Attendees wait along alumni mall for the start of a Virginia Tech candlelight vigil for NIU on Monday, February 18. A message board sits in the foreground.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.

View of Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU on Monday, February 18, 2008. The event took place on Alumni Mall near Torgersen Bridge. The War Memorial pylons are visible in the center background.


Photo by Kevin Cupp.


Assistant News Editor
Posted: 4/20/07

Pittsburgh Police responded to a report of a bomb in a Carnegie Mellon University parking lot yesterday and later deemed the area safe.

Forbes Avenue was closed for more than an…

One of the signs that went up on the buildings around campus shortly after Apr 16 directing the media to stay out of the campus buildings

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crime scene.jpg
Tape that surrounds Norris (where the second shooting took place at VT). Burruss (another building on campus) is in the background. I still can't believe this happened at my school and that now one of the buildings I pass every day is a crime…

April 23, 2007

Filed under: Feminism, Minnesota Monitor, Virginia Tech — Jeff Fecke @ 12:21 pm

It is human nature to try to figure out why bad things happen. Long ago, we blamed natural disasters on the capriciousness of the gods. The flood…

My wife and I went up to VT for a 4 day weekend, and to the German Club 115th anniversary. We toured campus and sat on the steps of Burruss Hall Saturday afternoon. We left Sunday afternoon, only to return to Houston - to find news of a much…

A sign posted on a door to Cheatham Hall directing students from Norris to their new classrooms in the aftermath

Flowers on a low wall in front of Norris Hall. Photo taken April 15, 2008.

Photo by Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

VT Remembers 053.JPG
Norris Hall has been sealed off as the police conduct its investigation.

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Photo courtesy of Frank Eak

VT Remembers 058.JPG
The location of the second shooting has become a memorial site.

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Photo courtesy of Frank Eak

Two individual look upon Norris Hall where the shootings occurred.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

President 196.jpg
Norris Hall is gated off and closed to the public.

Photo Courtesy of Garry Thompson

A student perspective

By: Bryan Schamus

(June 6) I will admit that I once uttered the statement, "There is no way any student should have to walk through that building again."

Norris Hall being "that building" - the site on campus at…

West AJ sign after 4-16-07.JPG
I was very touched by a note written by a child that was left at West AJ.

Sign affixed to doors of Torgersen Hall. By the time that this photo was taken, virtually all buildings on campus had signs like this on all entrances. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

This collection of photos of messages of support from throughout the New River Valley hangs outside the Perspective Gallery of Squires Student center from April 5-20 2008.

By: Nick Brennan
Posted: 4/18/07
As the country begins the process of healing in the aftermath of Monday morning's shootings at Virginia Tech, NYU students are showing support for the massacre's victims.

Several student government groups…

De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 01.05.2007

Focsanenii emigrati in Israel cer municipalitatii ca o strada din Focsani sa poarte numele profesorului erou din America, Liviu Librescu u dascalul care s-a sacrificat pentru propriii studenti a copilarit…

Memorial stone of Daniel Patrick O'Neil on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


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