NYU shows Virginia Tech victims support


NYU shows Virginia Tech victims support


By: Nick Brennan
Posted: 4/18/07
As the country begins the process of healing in the aftermath of Monday morning's shootings at Virginia Tech, NYU students are showing support for the massacre's victims.

Several student government groups on campus have come together to launch a "White Ribbon Campaign" to show support for the Virginia Tech community and raise awareness about campus violence.

The campaign's organizers said they hope anyone and everyone gets involved.

"Our residence halls and our classrooms are our safe havens to think, to speak and just to be," Student Senators Council chair Mansi Patel and 2007 Senior Class Council President Bailey Woolfstead said in a statement. "It is unimaginable that any student face the terror which ensued in those safe spaces this morning."

Booths will be set up around campus throughout the week for students to pick up the ribbons.

The Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life sent a three-person delegation to Virginia Tech to attend yesterday's on-campus memorial service and offer support to the school on behalf of the NYU community. Rabbi Yehuda Sarna and Gallatin seniors Nicole Vengrove and Lindsay Katona comprised the group from Bronfman.

Around the country, other schools are also showing their support through candlelight vigils and prayer services. Students at Columbia University gathered this morning for a multifaith service. Students at Virginia University, Virginia Tech's biggest rival, gathered last night for a candlelight vigil.

The shooting at Virginia Tech was the deadliest in American history. Thirty-three people were killed, including the gunman who committed suicide. The shooter was identified today as 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui, a senior and English major at Virginia Tech.


Original Source:<a href=http://www.nyunews.com/media/storage/paper869/news/2007/04/18/News/Nyu-Shows.Virginia.Tech.Victims.Support-2848640.shtml>Washington Square News - April 18, 2007</a>


Nick Brennan


Washington Square News




Sara Hood


"Alvin Chang, WSN" <editor@nyunews.com>




Nick Brennan, “NYU shows Virginia Tech victims support,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://april16archive.org/items/show/949.