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Publicado por Jose Kaulen C
April 18, 2007, 10:03 PM

La de a continuación, es una historia emocionante, llena de sentido y digna de admiración por parte de todos nosotros.
In Memoriam Liviu Librescu.

Liviu Librescu, un profesor de 76 años…

Creado por Ignacio Duelo
24 de Abril del 2007, 7:26 PM

La reciente desgracia en el Virginia Tech, de los Estados Unidos, dejó mucho para analizar.

Lo que cabe aquí, como reflexión, es el papel activo de los tres polos de la crisis -el…

We were supposed to do a project either showing ourselves perceptually or in response to the Virginia Tech shootings. Since I already have a self-portrait for pretty much every year of my life, I decided to do the latter.

After watching the Cho…

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We were supposed to do a project either showing ourselves perceptually or in response to the Virginia Tech shootings. Since I already have a self-portrait for pretty much every year of my life, I decided to do the…

Hi, all:

Thank you all for your concern, I'm safe. Here's what was happened to me yesterday. I'm so proud of all my students, please pray for our community to recover from this huge lost and sorrow!

Take care all!


作者:萧方  来源于:凤凰周刊  发布时间:2007-6-20…

作者:范彦萍 新闻来源:上海青年报 更新时间:2007-4-19…

Por Ricardo Valdivieso y Yolanda Puyana
Viernes 11 de Mayo del 2007

Después de la tragedia ocurrida en Blacksburg el 16 de abril, Sigma Delta Pi chapter de Virginia Tech, así como el profesorado y cuerpo estudiantil de esta institución,…

What a relief, the killer turned out not to be a Chinese. What a relief, no members of ACSS were killed. - However, it is the same. The same horror, the same grief.

The killer, a sick person went extreme to the extreme. He didn't do what he…

Creado por Por Jose Luis Lopez
Publicado: Jueves 19 Abril 2007, 23:03

La noticia ya es conocida. Más de 30 personas, incluyendo el supuesto agresor, murieron el lunes en un tiroteo en un campus universitario de los Estados Unidos.

Y el…

By Judy Polumbaum
Updated: 2007-04-19 07:10

Details of the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus on Monday have unfolded to confirm that the gunman was a US resident originally from South Korea. He is Cho Seung-hui, who killed 32 people and then…

Por Peruanista
April 18, 2007

Esta tarde estuve leyendo la historia de Daniel Pérez Cueva, publicada en un diario local. Sentado en el tren de regreso a casa, no pude evitar conmoverme hasta casi llorar. La historia de este compatriota me…

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By Raymond Zhou
Updated: 2007-04-19 07:10

The shooting rampage at Virginia Tech on Monday shocked the world. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and the community that suffered this senseless tragedy. Anyone with even a modicum of human…

By Guo Qiang (
Updated: 2007-04-18 15:27

The world was shaken by the news that a 23-year-old South Korean killed 32 students at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.

The bloody massacre began at…
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