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I was in college in the 1960s. During that wild decade, there were so many acts of violence that it felt like a time never experienced before and in many ways, it had never been known before. The assassinations, the war in far-off Viet Nam, the…

People tied yellow florets on the poles around the campus.

Photo taken April 19,2007

A card with each victim's name and a flower.

Caption says:

"This letter was sent from an Amish woman who has, herself and within her community, experienced tremendous loss. It is often individuals such as these who feel the most need to…

After the shooting,people volunteered to come to campus and placed flowers and gifts around the Hokie stone memorial site to remember the victims.

People placed flowers,candles and gifts under the tree near the Norris Hall to mourn for the victims.

Photo taken April 18,2007

Flowers placed at an entrance to Norris Hall on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

(April 18, 2007) Flowers in front of Norris Hall.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

In front of the Norris Hall,people placed different flowers there every day after the shooting.

Photo taken April 19,2007 2007-04-18 16:42:35

BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao Wednesday criticized some U.S. media's irresponsible reports on the Virginia Tech shooting before finding out the truth,…

De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 21.04.2007

Focsaneanul Zvi Ben Dov, emigrat in Israel in urma cu jumatate de secol, ne-a transmis ieri amanunte despre funeraliile profesorului Liviu Librescu

Liviu Librescu, profesorul care si-a salvat studentii…

VBR MP3 3.2M

Dedicated to the Victims at Virginia Tech University - 2007, april 16th

Song Info

Bass: Tony
Guitar: Warhorse
Synth: Marika

Year: 2007
Genre: Freestyle

Created and developed at the Open Music…

For the Hokies - ETSU event held in support of Virginia Tech

(Picture Caption)- Bernadette Cash and Sara Shaffer sign a sheet that will be made into a quilt during the ETSU gathering in memory of the victims at Virginia Tech. (Ron Campbell /…

by Will Stewart,
General Manager and Managing Editor
Apr 17, 2008

The events of April 16th, 2007 touched many people. Lives were changed and altered in various ways, from the victims to the survivors to the first responders to…

IMAGE: Virginia Tech memorial on Info Island in Second Life. Shrine by Perefim Cao.

"FOR VIRGINIA (updated)" by Wagner James Au
Story and image provided courtesy of

Most weeks I…

Monday, April 16, 2007

I broke down and turned on CNN to check out coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting. I see there and elsewhere, without really knowing the details from this morning's mayhem, that the media are turning to the question of…

At the memorial.jpg
This picture is of my friends and I at the memorial for the victims of 4/16. We will always remember how these people influenced our lives and they will forever be in our hearts.

Media's responses to Virginia Tech shootings spur discussion about ethnicity, mental health, violence

By Eli Rosenberg
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The issues of ethnicity, mental health, and violence in American society were some of the key…

By: Laura Alix
Posted: 4/23/07

So this is it - my final column for The Daily Campus. Over the past few weeks, I've been pondering whether I should write a more traditional "farewell" column or whether I should just do what I've been doing…

A large glass display class on the first floor of Squires Student Center is filled with paper cranes. The sign on the display case reads "please feel free to take as many as you want." Many thousands of cranes were folded and contributed after the…

A large glass display class on the first floor of Squires Student Center is filled with paper cranes. An overflow box of cranes sits on the floor to the side. A sign on the other side of the display case reads "please feel free to take as many as you…
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