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All eight placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech now displayed in Squires Student Center

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

UVA II.jpg
One of eight large placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 21.04.2007

Focsaneanul Zvi Ben Dov, emigrat in Israel in urma cu jumatate de secol, ne-a transmis ieri amanunte despre funeraliile profesorului Liviu Librescu

Liviu Librescu, profesorul care si-a salvat studentii…

Un roman admirat in toata lumea

Liviu Librescu, profesorul de eroism

A supravietuit Holocaustului si comunismului, dar l-a ucis un student. Presa internationala scrie pe larg despre profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Librescu, care a…

Moment de comemorare a studentilor de la universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi pentru studentii de la Virginia Tech - vineri, 20 aprilie 2007

Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…

Published by Dave April 18th, 2007

This past weekend was the middle weekend of April. That's the time universities put on dog-and-pony shows for students who have been admitted, to help them make up their minds.

My daughter has been…

Published by Dave April 25th, 2007

I have been on the sidelines of quite a number of handgun deaths in my life. Thank God, I haven't really been in the crossfire, nor has any member of my family. But gun violence has come close enough to me…

Moment de comemorare a studentilor de la universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi pentru studentii de la Virginia Tech - vineri, 20 aprilie 2007

Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…

April 18th, 2007
As the words continue to flow along with the tears after the deaths at Virginia Tech, one important observation rises above the ruins: the incident represented a triumph for what the pundits term the New Media over the Old. The keys…

April 16th, 2007

As one who worked with school districts across the country, I know the issue of school shootings is every school official's nightmare. The apparent random nature of all the shootings only makes the nightmare more fearful, for…

Moment de comemorare a studentilor de la universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi pentru studentii de la Virginia Tech - vineri, 20 aprilie 2007

Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…

April 21st, 2007

Cho seung-hui, the Rutgers University women's basketball team, the students and Virginia Tech all form a tangled thicket nourished by the American media, overgrown with too many words, too many pictures and too many answers to…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I had nightmares about the VT massacre last night. It was on a two day delay. I knew that eventually the horror of what had happened would start to eat away at me. In part, I think my dreams haunted me precisely because…

Media Beat (4/19/07)

By Norman Solomon

Many days after the mass killings at Virginia Tech, grisly stories about the tragedy still dominated front pages and cable television. News of carnage on a vastly larger scale -- the war in Iraq -- ebbs…

(This message was distributed to all faculty, staff and students April 27, 2007.)

In the days following the Virginia Tech tragedy, our solidarity with and sympathy for the faculty, staff, students and families affected by the loss of lives on…

The university community gathered in remembrance of the violence at Virginia Polytechnical University in a candle vigil last Thursday.

Faculty, staff and students from Hamline's various colleges were all present. Over 120 people were in…

I'd been thinking about starting this blog up again for a few weeks now. I didn't think I'd have something so tragic to write about.

Probably it goes without saying that my thoughts and best wishes go out to the students, faculty, and…

By Tamara K. Nopper | 04.19.2007

April 17, 2007

Like many, I was glued to the television news yesterday, keeping updated about the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech University. I was trying to deal with my own disgust and sadness, especially…

[Philosophical Musing on Media Culture]

By Carl Davidson

20 Apr 2007

The universe throws curve balls at us, now and then.

It seems to want to wake us up, and teach us lessons in impermanence and interconnectedness.

Take the killings at…

Karen Harper

22 Apr 2007

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the…
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