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This is a panoramic picture taken the day of the Community Vigil/Picnic on the Drill Field just after the vendors had setup and food was served. Chief Wendell Flinchum is in the foreground with his back turned and was met enthusiastically by the…

33 dead, at least 15 injured in worst rampage in U.S. history
By: Kellie Bramlet and Megan Hupp
Posted: 4/17/07

Loren Goble left Randolf Hall at Virginia Tech Monday morning and set out to her next class. But the senior at the Blacksburg, Va.…

Killer's family

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington and Ed Pilkington in New York
Saturday April 21, 2007
The Guardian

The family of Cho Seung-hui, who shot 32 people dead before turning his gun on himself, made their first public comments…

By Lisa Grossman
Sun Staff Writer
Apr 20 2007

Students, faculty, staff and members of the Ithaca community gathered in Sage Chapel yesterday afternoon to remember and reflect on the recent tragedy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State…

Creado por: Salinger (a.k.a. Al Valdes)
Posteado por Äl a las 2:37 AM

Tarde, pero no quiero que las fatales e inocentes victimas de Virginia Tech caigan en el olvido de este mi humilde blog. Por ende, quiero escribir unas palabras en su…

Virginia Tech's Korean Christians wrestle with the aftermath of a massacre.

Deann Alford | posted 6/06/2007 08:02AM

The alert that two students had been shot on campus blipped into Jong Nam Lee's e-mail inbox around 9:30 that fateful…

Bobbie Johnson and Lee Glendinning
Wednesday April 18, 2007
The Guardian

Within hours of news of the Blacksburg shootings, a picture of the terror inflicted by 23-year-old Korean student Cho Seung-hui was being built online through videos,…

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UPDATED: 11:01, April 18, 2007

Foreign politicians and media once again attacked America's "gun culture" yesterday.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said tough legislation introduced after a mass shooting in Tasmania in 1996 had…

미국 버지니아텍(공대) 총기사건 당시 한인보호 활동과 추모 기금 인 '버지니아텍 펀드' 조성에 앞장선 동포 1.5세 변호사인 김지혜씨가 30일 방한했다.

김지혜(35.미국명 지 헬렌…

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Creado por Por Jose Luis Lopez
Publicado: Jueves 19 Abril 2007, 23:03

La noticia ya es conocida. Más de 30 personas, incluyendo el supuesto agresor, murieron el lunes en un tiroteo en un campus universitario de los Estados Unidos.

Y el…

개헌 말고는 총기 범죄를 막을 근본대책이 없는 미국은 역사학자 홉스태터의 말처럼 총기문화의 나라다. 탈출구 없는 범인의 정신세계가 제도적 허점을 틈타 폭발한 버지니아공대 사건도…

미국 버지니아공대 참사 후 6일이 지났다. 시간이 상처를 치유해 ë‚´ê³  있다. 슬픔은 침전물로 가라앉고 비극의 물잔 위로는 다시 희망이 떠오르고 있다. 미국인의 성숙한 처신, 슬픔을…

미국 버지니아공대 학살 사건의 범인 조승희가 1ì°¨ 범행 직후 미국 방송국에 부유층을 저주하고, 피로 보복하겠다는 메모.동영상.사진 등을 보냈다. 그가 ì“´ 희곡 작품에는 청소년이…

스키조 키즈(Schizo kids)는 문자 그대로는 정신분열에 걸린 아이들이라는 의미로 ì •ì‹ ê³¼ 치료의 대상이다. 그러나 구조주의 계열의 현대 철학에서 스키조 키즈는 정주(定住)를 거부하고…

"한국 학생들끼리 어울려 다니지 마라." "가급적이면 집에 머물러라." "식당에서 큰 소리 내지 마라." "당분간 옷차림도 단정히 하고 미국 아이들과 ì–´ë–¤ 일이 있더라도 다투지…

Publicado por Mariluz Barrera González
viernes 20 de abril de 2007

Siempre pienso en mi padre, en cualquier instante de mi vida, siempre está presente. Sobre todo en los momentos más difíciles o cuando siento que las cosas empeoran cada vez…

please visit the site below for a very touching tribute to what happened to all of Va. tech. The song writer who wrote this had just played the previous weekend in your area he was very touched, and was moved to write this…

"Not Forgotten"

Time has narrowed,
increasing so fast.

With no escape,
nothing will last.

32 ever so freightened,
broken hearts are vast.

Fear building courage,
their moment shall never…

Attendees at Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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