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By: John Tuzcu
Posted: 4/24/07
In the week leading up to the Virginia Tech massacre where 32 people were senselessly killed, there also happened to be Iraqi people being massacred in the bloodbath of Iraq. Five hundred Iraqi men women and children…

By John Williams

"A 1st Sergeant handed me an ammo box of 240 rounds: the blood-stained rounds that my best friend had been using when he was shot and killed in an ambush, on a patrol that he wasn't supposed to be on, one day after we were…

By: Johnny Perez
Posted: 4/18/07
As the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute awoke to a changed world this morning, new developments emerged about the alleged gunman whose shooting spree claimed 33 lives, including his own.

His name was…

For the Hokies - ETSU event held in support of Virginia Tech

(Picture Caption)- Bernadette Cash and Sara Shaffer sign a sheet that will be made into a quilt during the ETSU gathering in memory of the victims at Virginia Tech. (Ron Campbell /…

Issue Date:Wednesday April 18, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
By Jon Offredo, Staff Writer

What if it happened here?

Would West Virginia University be prepared for a horrific incident such as the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech…

미국 버지니아공대 참사 후 6일이 지났다. 시간이 상처를 치유해 ë‚´ê³  있다. 슬픔은 침전물로 가라앉고 비극의 물잔 위로는 다시 희망이 떠오르고 있다. 미국인의 성숙한 처신, 슬픔을…

미국 버지니아공대 학살 사건의 범인 조승희가 1ì°¨ 범행 직후 미국 방송국에 부유층을 저주하고, 피로 보복하겠다는 메모.동영상.사진 등을 보냈다. 그가 ì“´ 희곡 작품에는 청소년이…

Deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history claims 33 victims

Jordan Dods and Courtney Kessler, Cavalier Daily Associate Editors

"Horror, disbelief and profound sorrow" was how Virginia Tech President Charles Steger described the Blacksburg…

In wake of tragedy, students reflect on shootings that rocked community, describe "fearful environment"

Jordan Dods and Courtney Kessler, Cavalier Daily Associate Editors

Only in her worst nightmares could Nicole Shyti have anticipated the…

Publicado por Jorge Majfud
viernes, abril 20, 2007

La mayoría de las medicinas que se venden en forma de píldoras, recubren una determinada droga, químico o compuesto con una capa de color atractivo y gusto dulce. En español, la sabiduría…

Publicado por Jose Kaulen C
April 18, 2007, 10:03 PM

La de a continuación, es una historia emocionante, llena de sentido y digna de admiración por parte de todos nosotros.
In Memoriam Liviu Librescu.

Liviu Librescu, un profesor de 76 años…

Publicado por Jose Kaulen C.
19th Abril 2007

Collin Goddard estuvo a centímetros de Cho Seung-Hui durante la masacre del lunes, y escuchó cómo el asesino terminaba con su vida después de haber matado a 30 personas, dice su…

I never really thought of myself as a Hokie. I came to VT to learn engineering and science. I have never been to a game nor participated in any student activities. I have always thought of myself as a student here to learn, not a Hokie. Tragedy…

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Why must we pay the price
For others sins and vice?
As I lay dying here, I cry.
I wonder, Why, why, why?
~Joseph M. Skipsey, April 23rd, 2007

Of Shooters and Schools

Can video games make kids more violent? A new study employing…

Joshua Runyan

As a university and nation began the transition from shock to mourning one day after the deadliest shooting attack in American history, the network of more than 100 campus Chabad Houses declared a "Week of Goodness and…

I want to express my deepest condolences to all the families and friends of the victims from this tragedy. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Dear Saint Gertrude Family,

When I was asked to write a letter on behalf of our alumnae sisters at Virginia Tech, emotions at every level filled my heart and mind. There are no words to describe the events of April 16th nor are there appropriate…

Those were the first things that went through my mind when the local television stations began showing footage at Virginia Tech. I work with crime victims on a daily basis, but this felt different. My first thought was "How can I help?". I am…

By Judy Polumbaum
Updated: 2007-04-19 07:10

Details of the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus on Monday have unfolded to confirm that the gunman was a US resident originally from South Korea. He is Cho Seung-hui, who killed 32 people and then…

Taken in Mclean, VA at Tyson's Corner Mall.
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