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16 Yankees Rodriguez.jpg
View of English field during Yankees vs. Hokies game.

Photo by George Norton.

17 Yankees-Jeter on first.jpg
View of English field during Yankees vs. Hokies baseball game.

Photo by George Norton.

18 Jeter on base.jpg
Yankee Derek Jeter running bases.

Photo by George Norton.

27 Yankees-Hokies crowd.jpg
View of the crowd at the Yankees vs. Hokies game.

Photo by George Norton.

24 Yankees-Cano.jpg
Cano at bat.

Photo by George Norton.

25 Yankees-Hokies-Jet~0013.jpg
View of English field during Yankees vs. Hokies game.

Photo by George Norton.

28 Yankees-Hokies gam~0016.jpg
Players come in from the field after the game.

Photo by George Norton.

This is a piece written by Gerard Toal, the NOVA-based Virginia Tech Professor. It was published in the Irish Times 28/04/07.

The Irish Times
Author: Gerard Toal
Title: Sensible gun laws only way to secure a safe future for US…

Six huskies and flowers are set up as a memorial in front of Cole Hall on Feb. 22, 2008, on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

Geri Nikolai, Isaac Guerrero and Sadie…

In honor of Virgina Tech University, Niagara Falls lit both the American Falls and Canadian Horseshoe Falls on 4-22-07 with their school colors of orange and burgandy, in remembrance of those who lost their lives. This was a joint effort on both the…

"한국 학생들끼리 어울려 다니지 마라." "가급적이면 집에 머물러라." "식당에서 큰 소리 내지 마라." "당분간 옷차림도 단정히 하고 미국 아이들과 ì–´ë–¤ 일이 있더라도 다투지…

By: Glendon Y. McCreary
Posted: 4/24/07

It can be difficult to cover politics in the aftermath of a nationally felt tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech last week. And as we all remember the victims and reflect on the events that transpired, we…

Archives & Social Studies: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Vol. 2, no. 1 (March 2008) 253

The April 16 Archive: A Historiography in the Age of the New Media

Gooyong Kim


This paper examines how historiography has been…

Penn St Spring Game 2007 photo by Jason York.jpg
Penn St held their Spring Game and sold thousands of Orange and Maroon t-shirts to include a student section of 800 t-shirts that spelled out the VT logo. Some stores reported 2000 shirts selling out in 30 minutes. A record crowd of 81,000 were on…

Message to the Vanderbilt community from Chancellor Gordon Gee regarding the April 16 tragedy at Virginia Tech

Dear Members of the Vanderbilt Community,

Today our support goes out to our colleagues, our peers, our brothers and sisters at…

64Kbps MP3 13.6M

Executive Director of GTY [Grace to You] Phil Johnson has an open conversation with Dr. John MacArthur about the shootings at Blacksburg, VA.

Does the Christian faith offer a viable answer to the question of why things like…

By: Greg Linch // News Editor
Issue date: 4/20/07

A light, somber wind blew through campus Wednesday evening as the University of Miami paid tribute to the 33 students and staff who lost their lives Monday at Virginia Tech.

The gentle breeze…

I'd been thinking about starting this blog up again for a few weeks now. I didn't think I'd have something so tragic to write about.

Probably it goes without saying that my thoughts and best wishes go out to the students, faculty, and…

Gregor Hens
20.04.2007 00:00 Uhr

Anzeige Während der Ãœbung piepst ein Telefon. Ich werfe einen genervten Blick in die Richtung, aus der der Ton gekommen ist. Es piepst noch einmal - derselbe Student. Ich sehe jetzt, wie er seine SMS liest,…


Wednesday April 18, 2007
The Guardian

We have heard the arguments for years regarding the modern-day relevance or not of the second amendment, which engrains the right to bears arms into the American constitution and psyche, and they…
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