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April 17th, 2007 by Dan Gillmor

(Note: This will appear tomorrow as an op-ed piece in the Washington Examiner newspaper.)

Once again, horror has given us a glimpse of our media future: simultaneously conversational and distributed, mass and…

Apr. 18th, 2007 at 12:02 AM

Virginia is, if memory serves, one of the states that had a particularly malevolently horrible 2004 national election, one marked by substantial Republican chicanery and vicious suppression of the minority vote, so the…

Karen Harper

22 Apr 2007

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the…

Publicado por Jose Kaulen C.
19th Abril 2007

Collin Goddard estuvo a centímetros de Cho Seung-Hui durante la masacre del lunes, y escuchó cómo el asesino terminaba con su vida después de haber matado a 30 personas, dice su…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I have been percolating some ideas about how to better integrate technology into a crisis plan I am currently working on. My work with the Red Cross over the years has sharpened my senses and I do have some idea of how to…

Publicado por Jorge Majfud
viernes, abril 20, 2007

La mayoría de las medicinas que se venden en forma de píldoras, recubren una determinada droga, químico o compuesto con una capa de color atractivo y gusto dulce. En español, la sabiduría…

VT Vigil.jpg
A panoramic shot taken at the Virginia Tech candlelight vigil.

Original source:

This file has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by…

Creado por Santiago Bustelo
April 17th, 2007

La masacre estudiantil en Virginia Tech ocurrida ayer (lunes 16 de abril de 2007) ha vuelto a instalar la discusión de algunos de los valores de la sociedad norteamericana y del resto del mundo... de…

Por Jesús Dávila
Publicado el 04-23-2007

San Juan — El féretro con los restos del ingeniero Juan Ramón Ortiz, muerto en la masacre de virginia tech el pasado día 16, fue transportado ayer sábado a Puerto Rico, pero su…

It was a tragic day for everyone the day of the shootings on Virginia Tech. I remember coming home and being told that something was going on at Tech. I got worried because I knew so many people who were going there. I had been the campus a number of…

By: A.J. Donatoni
Posted: 4/26/07
Seung-Hui Cho took the lives of 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty in a senseless act of violence April 16. On Wednesday, 32 Syracuse University students and area residents came together in the Panasci Lounge at…

ballon reflection.jpg
A reflection of the balloon ceremony that was held on the first day of class.

Orginial Source:

Photo courtesy of Roger Gupta

A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which balloons were released in remembrance of the 32 victims.

Orginial Source:

Photo courtesy of Roger Gupta

What started as a simple VT leaning by a tree became a major focal point of reflection. President Bush signed this VT and a shelter was placed around the VT and other memorabilia. Taken Saturday 21 April.

Candlelight vigil held on one year anniversary of 4/16. On the drillfield with Burruss Hall in background.

Photo by Roger Gupta.


Original Source:

After April 16, plastic daisies have regularly been laid down at various places on the drillfield in the shape of the VT logo, near the temporary memorial in front of Burruss Hall. This photo was taken on Thursday, June 14.

Licensed under Creative…

A message board from the Drillfield Memorial.

Photo by Roger Gupta.


Original Source:

VT flowers on the drillfield near the Burruss memorial. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

Prior to Virginia Tech's candelight vigil for NIU, an attendee signs a message board on display along alumni mall. Photo taken Monday, February 18, 2008.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.

All eight placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech now displayed in Squires Student Center

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas
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