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Joseph (Joe) Librescu, fiul profesorului care si-a aparat studentii cu pretul vietii in timpul masacrului din SUA, a transmis un mesaj emotionant pentru cititorii "Sint baiatul profesorului Librescu si vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor…

Joseph (Joe) Librescu, the son of Liviu Librescu, the teacher who protected his students at the cost of his own life in the Virgina Tech killing spree yesterday, sent a heart-felt message to all readers.
"I am professor Librescu's son…

A community in tears said its goodbye on Thursday from one of its members, professor Liviu Librescu, killed in the Virginia Tech massacre, helping his students flee to safety in an act of heroism.

A moving service was held for Librescu in New…

"학문에는 다른 길이 없다. 모르는 게 있으면 길 가는 사람이라도 붙잡고 물어보는 게 올바른 학문의 길이다."

ì¡°ì„ ì¡° 실학자 ì—°ì•” 박지원이 제자인 박제가의 저서 '북학의(北學議)'…

무슨 군사작전 암호와도 같은 이 단어, '이스마일 액스' 속에는 수줍음 타는 내성적 소년이 잔혹한 학살범으로 변해 ê°„ 정신분열의 과정과, 미국 사회에 깊숙이 내장된 울타리구조를…

Posted by Helena Cobban at April 16, 2007 04:33 PM

Tragedy has struck the community at Virginia Tech, our state's "other" fine flagship university, which is located around 120 miles southwest of my hometown, Charlottesville.

Apparently a…

미국 버지니아공대 총기 난사 사건에 대한 기사들을 ë³´ê³  있으면 사건의 결과는 너무도 자명한 데 반해 ì „ê°œ 과정은 상대적으로 명료하게 연결이 안 되는 부분이 많다는 생각이 든다. 보다…


Mental Health is Everyone's Business: Historical Reflections on the Virginia Tech Shootings

By Heather Munro Prescott

Ms. Prescott is Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. Her book, Student Bodies: The…

(PDF, 6.9 MB)

by Hart Fowler

Photos by Christina O'Connor

From concept to design to action, Peter Sforza was the man behind the scenes orchestrating Virginia Tech's message of gratitude, making this Thanksgiving one of positive…

April 24, 2007
It was pointed out to me the other night that I'm a living, breathing embodiment of the stereotypical quiet Asian.
I was among a few friends and some friends of friends in the bar at AT&T Park prior to a San Francisco Giants…

Harold X. O'Boyle / The Extremist (Blog)

May 03, 2007

Mass murder invariably gets the Victim Disarmament Lobby into a lather promoting safety through helplessness. The Virginia Tech shooting is no exception. A brief but honest look at how…

Hokie Stones.jpg
Flowers, pictures, letters remembering each of the 32 victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre.

Original source:

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs 2.0

I was appalled by the commentary titled "VT Killer Needs Closer Look" (April 23) that sought to explain Cho Seung-Hui's motives in the Virginia Tech massacre. Overall, I got the sense that the article was trying to pin the blame of the Virginia…

By: Hannah McBride and Andrea Rodi
Posted: 4/25/07
Acknowledging cultural repercussions of last week's Virginia Tech shootings, Koreans at Boston University said they have been facing racial pressures as details have emerged about the killer,…

gators vt 2.jpg
I am a doctoral student at the University of Florida but was born and raised in Blacksburg. This statue is of UF's mascots (Albert and Alberta)with a VT. It was very nice to see UF's support after April 16th.

After reading Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five," my 11th grade English teacher asked us, "Is death meaningful?" The question forced us to think about the line that appeared over and over in Vonnegut's book, the line that appeared after…

Hi, all:

Thank you all for your concern, I'm safe. Here's what was happened to me yesterday. I'm so proud of all my students, please pray for our community to recover from this huge lost and sorrow!

Take care all!


By: Hae Min Sung, Contributing Writer
Posted: 4/24/07
There was a Virginia Tech Massacre. Everyone was horrified. The killer committed suicide in the end, but he had already killed 32 people. Whenever I turned on the television, I saw the…

이해인 수녀, 버지니아 참사 추모시 [중앙일보] 사랑과 용서의 시인 이해인(61.사진) 수녀가 버지니아공대 참사 사건의 희생자를 애도하는 추모시 '이 부끄러운 슬픔을 딛고'를 본지에…

Creado por Héctor González Avilés
09/06/2007 a las 04:26 PM

El diecinueve de abril
del año dos mil siete,
un coreano desquiciado,
enajenado por entes satánicas,
acribilló a tiros en su universidad,
a sus compañeros, dándoles…


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