Browse Items (1884 total)

To the students and administration of the University of Virginia: On behalf of 30,000 students, administrators, and our Virginia Tech community, I cannot begin to express our gratitude for the outpouring of sympathy, support, and concern that U.Va.…

By: Elizabeth Miller
Posted: 4/20/07
I am rarely at a loss for words. But now, as I approach this column after a week of tragedy - both at Miami University and nationwide - I can hardly form a rational thought. Somehow a 500-word column needs to be…

By: Elizabeth Nowrouz

Posted: 4/19/07

It has been three days since April 16. Three days since maroon and orange became not just a team's colors, but a show of courage and defiance in the face of a national tragedy.

While the students,…

Students at Oklahoma State University pray for the victims.

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They lost their life on that fateful day
April 16th together we pray.
No motive, no means, to commit such a crime.
What began a Monday morning,
lost like a drop of a dime.

A community, our school,

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Artist's Comments

We were supposed to do a project either showing ourselves perceptually or in response to the Virginia Tech shootings. Since I already have a self-portrait for pretty much every year of my life, I decided to do the…

We were supposed to do a project either showing ourselves perceptually or in response to the Virginia Tech shootings. Since I already have a self-portrait for pretty much every year of my life, I decided to do the latter.

After watching the Cho…

Alexandria, VA.

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"I belong."

I still remember vividly that emotion as I stood outside Burress Hall overlooking the gorgeous, expansive view of the Virginia Tech campus on a cool, sunny morning back in the spring of 1990. It was college-tour season for graduating…

In my opinion
By: Elon Glucklich | Opinion Editor
Issue date: 4/23/07 Section: Commentary

The list of communities stricken by gun violence rings out like a grim roll call - it's best left out of mind, if possible. But now there is no such…

By Nicole Haley/Daily News staff
Tue Apr 17, 2007, 01:04 AM EDT

NO DATA - The news seemed surreal for anyone who turned on the television yesterday. Even anchors on the major news networks reported asking law enforcement officials to repeat…

By: Elyse McCoy, Staff Writer
Posted: 7/5/07

The University is in the initial stages of development for the Public Information Emergency Response Communication Management System, or PIER, an Internet-based communication tool used to help relay…

By Emilie Doolittle
Staff Writer

Three weeks ago, before midnight, a student was found with a gunshot wound to the head in the Social Science Building at UC Irvine. He had committed suicide. Two weeks ago was the Virginia Tech massacre. In…

By Emily Canis
Staff Writer
February 18, 2008

Hokies United sponsored a candlelight vigil Monday night for the Virginia Tech community so that students and residents of Blacksburg could pay their respects to the fallen Northern Illinois…

By: Emily Sears, Contributing Writer,
Posted: 4/19/07

Pat McDonald is an atheist. The junior anthropology major was raised Catholic but reconsidered his religion his freshman year at SMU when he became familiar with Zen Buddhism…

作者:范彦萍 新闻来源:上海青年报 更新时间:2007-4-19…

Web sites such as, provide forum for discussion, communication after yesterday morning's shootings at Virginia Tech

Eric Kolenich, Cavalier Daily Senior Associate Editor

In the wake of yesterday's tragedy…

By Eric Quach

On Monday, April 16, the nation was shocked by the cowardly acts of a student at Virginia Tech University. As the day ended, the death toll rose to 33, including the shooter. Most Americans and the media looked back to…

Posted Friday, April 20, 2007 by Eric Schnell on The Medium is the Message (Blog)

As the Virginia Tech tragedy unfolded students used a familiar the technology to keep connected with the events, friends, and families: Facebook.

Using laptops…

Some students able to forgive

By: Erin France, State & National Editor
Posted: 4/24/07

BLACKSBURG, Va. - The first day back to class for Virginia Tech students began with a morning ceremony honoring the 32 students and faculty killed by senior…
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