Browse Items (1884 total)

In honor of Virginia Tech, this flag was flown aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-117 mission to the International Space Station and then sent to VT by NASA. From June 8-22, 2007 it orbited the earth for 13 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes, and 44…

This hand crafted glass bowl was made by Gene Messick of Restoration Glass. He sent it to President Steger to thank him for his leadership during the crisis.

A creation in metal made by a 1993 VT alumnus that reminds us of the words spoken by Professor Giovanni during a speech: "We are better than we think and not quite what we want to be."

April 16, 2007.doc
This became my final exam for one of my classes. It had a word count but I did not follow it. I wrote this in one sitting, without going back or revising- it just flowed out because it had to. The reason I choose to attach the document file…

This quilt was made by Alpha Phi Omega Brothers across the U.S. for the Zeta Beta chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at Virginia Tech. We are very grateful for this contribution and it means a lot to our chapter to have it. Zeta Beta Brothers are currently…

This is the promotional flyer made for the "April 16: Remembrance, Recognition and Healing" exhibit. The exhibit was on display from April 5-20, 2008 at the Perspective Gallery in Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech. The exhibit featured…

These are the four items that were on display outside of the Perspective gallery in Squires.
From left to right:

Photos of messages of support from businesses throughout the Roanoke valley.

A wool jacket sent to VT from University of British…

It was quite a day. The New York Yankees came to town and whipped my Virginia Tech Hokies, 11-0. I have never been so happy to lose. Since the tragedy on our campus last April, emotions have often been close to the surface, but on this day there was…

Yankees pictures.doc
Pictures of Yankees at the memorial and at the game with the Hokies

This photo was taken on February 21, 2008. The VT employees in the photo are from the Office of Research. Several employees wore black and red and are surrounded by employees wearing hokie colors. The photo was blown up poster size and was sent…

This is a thank you letter from NIU in response to a banner and photo that was sent from the VT Office of Research.

The photo, in which employees wore black and red and are surrounded by employees wearing
hokie colors, was blown up poster size…

They say you never forget where you are when you hear life altering news. On April 16, 2007, I was in my car driving back to work from lunch. It was a beautiful spring day in Cincinnati. My window was down and The Frey was playing in the CD…

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:20:54 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Police Presence on Campus

April 14, 2008

To : The Virginia Tech University Community

From : The Virginia Tech Police…

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 22:00:00 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Anniversary Reactions to a Traumatic Event

Here is some information from the university's Cook Counseling Center and the university Employee…

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:15:25 -0400
From: Virginia Tech Alumni Association
To: All Alumni 4-10-08
Subject: Hokie Spirit defines Virginia Tech a year later...

Hokie Spirit defines Virginia Tech a year later...

Last April, the…

The Moon-After,
Virginia Tech Memorial

(2007) 40"x30" oil on canvas

It is the first time the full moon is observed after the massacre of Virginia Tech. For many, the moon will never look the same again.

This is a quest to extract the…

Candlelight vigil held on one year anniversary of 4/16. On the drillfield with Burruss Hall in background.

Photo by Roger Gupta.


Original Source:

By Chris Green
Posted Apr 16, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Last update Apr 17, 2008 @ 07:38 AM


Northern Illinois University senior Sonia Salazar said Virginia Tech students put their feelings of sorrow on hold to help the students…

By Dick Durbin
Posted Apr 17, 2008 @ 10:59 PM

This week, our nation marked the anniversary of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech that took 32 lives and wounded 17 other people. Just two months ago, our state was stunned to witness…

By Jeff Gilbride/Daily News staff
Daily News Tribune
Posted Apr 15, 2008 @ 12:43 AM


A year ago Wednesday, Kalynn Cook's childhood friend was killed when Seung-Hui Cho opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus.

To mark the…
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