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The shooting at Virginia Tech is undeniably one of the worst tragedies American students have ever faced. Stories of heroism make their way out of the situation, but the media is focused on the death and destruction caused on the campus of Virginia…

Did that really happen that April spring day?
When 32 lives in an instant were swept away?
That terrible day: 32 lives lost, ended too soon;
The day Heaven was draped in orange and maroon.

Blacksburg's winds that day roared loud and…


During a service in remembrance of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech, the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus spoke about how his time at the university. informed his understanding of God. Andrus and his wife Sheila attended graduate school at the…

By Larry Hincker

BLACKSBURG, Va., May 10, 2007 -- Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger addressed the Virginia Tech Review Panel here Thursday. These were his comments.

Governor Kaine, Colonel Massengill, and members of the…

The Morning News - Personal Essays

It stunned the nation that the Virginia Tech murders took place; it shocked Virginians that they occurred in Blacksburg. A former longtime resident, BENJAMIN COHEN traces his connections to the…

Although I have not finished with music that I feel is worthy yet, I wanted to share the words with our VT families. My prayers are with all of the families. Lee Stephens - Christiansburg

Deep Blue Ridge Rain

Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains,…

Employees at the Virginia Department of Transportation preparing for a moment of silence. VT Graduate Mike Branham speaking.

This is a panoramic picture taken the day of the Community Vigil/Picnic on the Drill Field just after the vendors had setup and food was served. Chief Wendell Flinchum is in the foreground with his back turned and was met enthusiastically by the…

Posted by Sami Awad on April 20th, 2007

Two days ago a tragic event took place in Virginia Tech in the US that shocked not only the people of the United States but people all across the globe. A violent massacre took place there that resulted in…

By Joe Cressman
Elmhurst Press
Tue Apr 24, 2007, 04:35 PM CDT

ELMHURST, IL - The April 16 tragedy at Virginia Tech has Elmhurst College officials looking at ways they can make their own campus more secure.

One of those ways is to teach the…

Friday, April 27, 2007

Early Monday morning Toronto, April 16; very nice day, it's spring at last - you can feel it in the air - maybe the oxygen levels are up a little - there's a craziness in the air, a frenetic kind of feeling...


I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue. I knew I was recording history, but after looking at so…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue (this is the second page). I knew I was recording history,…

I put this page together for the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier for the April 18 issue, including a Hokie hope ribbon logo I made myself to accompany any stories about the Tech tragedy.

Presidential Policy Memorandum No. 241

TO: All Virginia Tech Employees

FROM: Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 16, 2007

SUBJECT: Handling Information Requests About Events of April 16, 2007

Approved by the President: May 16, 2007

LUV CNU - Children of April.mp3
LUV CNU was formed in April of this year especially to record the song "Children of April", which is a tribute to the victims lost at Virginia Tech on 4/16/07. Based at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, where three of the vocalists go,…

Hello, Hokie Nation. Like many of you I have felt broken, helpless and lost since Monday, April 16 2007. I'm a graphic designer and I've been trying to think of what I could do to personally contribute in some way, shape or form. What I came…

Hello, Hokie Nation. Like many of you I have felt broken, helpless and lost since Monday, April 16 2007. I'm a graphic designer and I've been trying to think of what I could do to personally contribute in some way, shape or form. What I came…

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The Student Senate President of the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey addresses members of the college community attending a memorial service honoring the memory of the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy.
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