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Gene Koo - April 21, 2007 @ 6:42 pm · Filed under Code / Code
A report in today's New York Times illustrates both the promise and the difficulties of (legal) code as (software) code (U.S. Rules Made Killer Ineligible to Purchase Gun).…


95 words posted by Mark Bard at 11:19 AM

The Librarians of Second Life have constructed a virtual memorial on Info Island to commemorate the victims of Virginia Tech. Pictures of the victims are displayed on a wall, and when visitors…

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

At the risk of overanalyzing the events surrounding the shootings at Virginia Tech last week, I would like to offer one last set of observations. In my previous posts, I've acknowledged that certainly, there are many…

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Following up on my last post about Seung Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman, the evidence that’s coming out seems to suggest that among other things, he felt ridiculed for his social class background (at least in…

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

By now, I’m sure everybody has heard of the tragedy that took place yesterday, Monday April 16, at Virginia Tech University. Words cannot adequately convey the profound shock and sadness that I feel about this…

ballons III.jpg
A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which one balloon is released for each victim.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which balloons were released in remembrance of the victims.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

ballons IV.jpg
A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which one balloon is released for each victim.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

Reema Samaha.jpg
Reema's stone is marked by flowers, letters, and memorabilia from loved ones.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

Cho's Hokie stone is littered with notes.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

ballons II.jpg
A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which balloons were released in remembrance of the victims.

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Photo Courtesy of Kevin Cupp

the line.jpg
The line waiting to get into the convocation extended from Castle Coliseum to the Huckleberry Trial.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

president bush.jpg
President George W. Bush speaks to Virginia Tech students, faculty, staff, families, and victims of the tragedy.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

Fox News' anchor Shepard Smith reports from campus.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

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CNN's anchor Wolf Blitzer reports from campus.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

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Crime Scene.jpg
The crime scene near Norris Hall is filled with a police presence.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

Two individual look upon Norris Hall where the shootings occurred.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

Two individuals pray in front of the main memorial site on the drill field.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

This photo was taken near the War Memorial chapel in commemoration of the tragedy.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

The Spirit Rock at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. The rock was painted shortly after hearing about the tragedy, and the cups came from candle holders for a candlelight prayer vigil held for the friends and families of all of those…
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