An abundance of warmth


An abundance of warmth


<b> Local knitters will gather Saturday to make blankets for the affected of April 16</b>

By: Amanda Mullins

(June 15) When the owner of Mosaic, a local Blacksburg yarn store, first started talking about <a href=>Hokie Healing</a>, she probably wasn&#39;t expecting the <a href=>knitting project</a> to take off like it did.

Gina Bonomo simply reached out to her knitting community, asking for 8-by-8 inch knitted squares that would eventually be sewn into blankets for the families of those killed or injured in the April 16 shootings at <a href=>Virginia Tech</a>.

Well, the response turned out to be overwhelming.

To date, she and the ladies at Mosaic have received more than 6,000 squares, hand made by knitters in all 50 states and 18 countries. The patterns, designs and colors vary, but the dual message of hope and healing is the same. And the story continues to spread.

When I entered Mosaic this past Thursday, <a href=>News Channel 7</a> had also dropped by to interview Bonomo, some of her employees and a few of her customers about the project. All were excited - it&#39;s hard not to be when surrounded by piles of maroon and orange squares - and were ready to begin making the blankets.

On Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the ladies of Mosaic will host a sew-in, of sorts, and everyone is invited. There, Mosaic employees and other volunteer knitters will piece together the first 32 blankets, which will eventually be shipped to those families whose loved ones died two months ago. From there, the ladies will continue to make blankets for those affected by the tragedy until they run out of squares.

Even if you&#39;ve never held a needle in your life, don&#39;t be afraid to come on down to the <a href=>Inn at Virginia Tech</a>. Local restaurants will provide refreshments, and the first 100 people who arrive will receive a goody bag filled with, well, goodies from <a href=>Starbucks</a>, <a href=>the Weight Club</a> and other local businesses.

Also, a few lucky knitters will receive door prizes, such as hand-knit sweaters, jewelry and autographed books. Finally, a silent auction, whose proceeds will go toward the blankets&#39; shipping costs, will keep knitters and bidders on their toes.

"Everything is going great," Bonomo said. "We&#39;re overwhelmed, in a good way, with the response, and we&#39;re really looking forward to Saturday."


Original Source: <a href=ttp://> Big Lick U - June 15, 2007</a>


Amanda Mullins




Sara Hood


Chris Winston <>




Amanda Mullins, “An abundance of warmth,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 4, 2025,