Moment of silence held for Virginia Tech victims
Moment of silence held for Virginia Tech victims
By: Tess McBride | News reporter
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: News
During the two minutes of silence held Thursday around noon for the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy, more than 150 heads hung low while many students and community members wiped the tears from their cheeks, reflecting on the loss of 33 people connected to them through the unity of higher education.
"I think it's important for all the students at U of O to show their support," said Madeline Wigen, a University student and the ASUO finance coordinator, who attended the memorial.
Similar memorials were held on campuses across the country Thursday and today, something Wigen said made her feel connected to students across the nation and at Virginia Tech.
"Probably many students don't know somebody on that campus. This is a way to reach to the greater university community," she said.
The memorial, sponsored by the ASUO, the Veterans and Family Student Association, the Office of the President and the Office of Student life, was short and speakers from the ASUO and VFSA emphasized the importance of coming together as a community.
"We need unity now more than ever," said ASUO President Jared Axelrod, who spoke at the memorial. "I didn't know any one of the victims, but in the sense we are all in the university community and in a community as a whole, it's important to come together."
Thirty-three candles were lit, one for each death, and will remain burning until today at noon, when a moment of silence will be observed and then broken by the ringing of the campus carillon bells.
Orange and maroon ribbons were passed around and attendees were asked to sign a large banner, which will be sent to Virginia Tech after it's filled with notes of sorrow and encouragement.
"I said 'I send my love and prayers,'" said University freshman Krista von Stein of what she wrote on the banner. "I can't fathom what they're going through, but I definitely feel connected to them."
While this is a difficult time for all members of the University community, Amanda Lopez, a University student who attended the event, said it's not a time to turn away.
"I think this is a really important time to reflect on these great students and their memory and to look past the difficulty of the situation and remember the victims," said Lopez, the ASUO programs administrator.
Sean Jin, a University sophomore and member of the VFSA who spoke at the memorial, said he still hasn't gotten over the shootings of Monday morning and that he doesn't think other students have either.
"After the event happened there was sort of a somberness on campus. Everybody was affected by this event," he said.
Jin said he believes emphasizing the importance of community today will prevent tragedies similar to this one from happening in the future.
"The most important thing we have to focus on is prevention of these things," Jin said.
Contact the people, culture and faith reporter at
Photo by:Christin Palazzolo
Original Source: Daily Emerald
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Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: News
During the two minutes of silence held Thursday around noon for the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy, more than 150 heads hung low while many students and community members wiped the tears from their cheeks, reflecting on the loss of 33 people connected to them through the unity of higher education.
"I think it's important for all the students at U of O to show their support," said Madeline Wigen, a University student and the ASUO finance coordinator, who attended the memorial.
Similar memorials were held on campuses across the country Thursday and today, something Wigen said made her feel connected to students across the nation and at Virginia Tech.
"Probably many students don't know somebody on that campus. This is a way to reach to the greater university community," she said.
The memorial, sponsored by the ASUO, the Veterans and Family Student Association, the Office of the President and the Office of Student life, was short and speakers from the ASUO and VFSA emphasized the importance of coming together as a community.
"We need unity now more than ever," said ASUO President Jared Axelrod, who spoke at the memorial. "I didn't know any one of the victims, but in the sense we are all in the university community and in a community as a whole, it's important to come together."
Thirty-three candles were lit, one for each death, and will remain burning until today at noon, when a moment of silence will be observed and then broken by the ringing of the campus carillon bells.
Orange and maroon ribbons were passed around and attendees were asked to sign a large banner, which will be sent to Virginia Tech after it's filled with notes of sorrow and encouragement.
"I said 'I send my love and prayers,'" said University freshman Krista von Stein of what she wrote on the banner. "I can't fathom what they're going through, but I definitely feel connected to them."
While this is a difficult time for all members of the University community, Amanda Lopez, a University student who attended the event, said it's not a time to turn away.
"I think this is a really important time to reflect on these great students and their memory and to look past the difficulty of the situation and remember the victims," said Lopez, the ASUO programs administrator.
Sean Jin, a University sophomore and member of the VFSA who spoke at the memorial, said he still hasn't gotten over the shootings of Monday morning and that he doesn't think other students have either.
"After the event happened there was sort of a somberness on campus. Everybody was affected by this event," he said.
Jin said he believes emphasizing the importance of community today will prevent tragedies similar to this one from happening in the future.
"The most important thing we have to focus on is prevention of these things," Jin said.
Contact the people, culture and faith reporter at
Photo by:Christin Palazzolo
Original Source: Daily Emerald
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Tess McBride (Author)/Christin Palazzolo (Photo)
Kacey Beddoes
Judy Riedl <>
Tess McBride (Author)/Christin Palazzolo (Photo), “Moment of silence held for Virginia Tech victims,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,