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- Tags: librescu
Librescu Day
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Jun 8, 2007, 00:27
There isn't room enough on the calendar to honor every American hero, but Aug. 16, the birthday of one such hero, is a day teachers and others who cherish education…
Tags: censorship, commentary, education, freedom, history, librescu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Moment of commemoration from the students and faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu
Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request
Miami, FL, US / (Press Release) The record for the World's "Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request" has just been accepted by the World Records Academy.
The new record…
Tags: basescu, librescu, romania, world records academy
Liviu Librescu, profesorul de eroism
Liviu Librescu, profesorul de eroism
A supravietuit Holocaustului si comunismului, dar l-a ucis un student. Presa internationala scrie pe larg despre profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Librescu, care a…
Tags: honoris causa, librescu, politehnica, solidaritate
Focsanenii au fost la mormintarea eroului din America
Focsaneanul Zvi Ben Dov, emigrat in Israel in urma cu jumatate de secol, ne-a transmis ieri amanunte despre funeraliile profesorului Liviu Librescu
Liviu Librescu, profesorul care si-a salvat studentii…
Tags: funeraliile, israel, librescu, prieteni
Un gînd pentru studenţii şi profesorii din Virginia
Noi, cei 37.000 de studenÅ£i ÅŸi profesori ai Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din IaÅŸi,…
Tags: alexandru ioan cuza, librescu, omagiu