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A.J. Kornblith, Cavalier Daily Opinion Editor

AS A Yankee from Pittsburgh, when I first started looking at colleges I didn't even know what UVA and VT stood for, much less the history of their long and storied rivalry. But once I arrived at…

By: A.J. Donatoni
Posted: 4/26/07
Seung-Hui Cho took the lives of 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty in a senseless act of violence April 16. On Wednesday, 32 Syracuse University students and area residents came together in the Panasci Lounge at…

At about 15 PM SLT/PST 16 April 2007 a group of Second Life residents started working on a memorial space for the VT-tragedy. People from all over the world helped out. This shapshot shows the InfoIsland memorial at 18 PM PST 16 April 2007 and the…

I chose to participate in the One Day Blog Silence. There are much worse, but less publicized violence and prejudice daily, so I have spent the one day blog silence in honor of all victims of injustice around the world. The silence day was started to…

20MINUTOS.ES. 18.04.2007 - 04:54h

Ban Ki-moon, el Papa o Javier Solana han mostrado su pesar.Países 'enemigos' como Irán o Venezuela también han condenado los asesinatos.

By: Teresa Pham
Posted: 5/14/07
In the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, some universities are looking into tightening security measures on campus. In Nevada, one man is proposing a reserve police officer program that would allow employees at…

News | Sarah Mogin

Wednesday night, students and faculty gathered by the Fence. In the midst of the cold and windy weather, 70 hands cupped 70 flickering flames as the Carnegie Mellon community mourned the victims of the Virginia Tech…

By Sam Fox Krauss
Princetonian Staff Writer

Students who kill their classmates are motivated by a desire to change their reputation, Wilson School professor Katherine Newman and politics professor Keith Whittington told about 50 students and…

Convocation_Pres. BushC.JPG
President George Bush provides words of comfort at the convocation.

Photo Courtesy of Patrick Donohoe

By Owen Fletcher
Princetonian Staff Writer

About a week before last week's shootings at Virginia Tech, the University made the prescient purchase of a mass alert system to notify students of campus security crises.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Topics like these are always hard to approach. For some, the event holds particular weight, either because of their relationship with the victims, with the assailant, with the location where it takes place, or because of the…

By: Marypat Heineman
Posted: 4/19/07
Nebraska Union Plaza was silent for a few moments Wednesday night as hundreds gathered in solemn remembrance.

The candlelight vigil was organized in honor of the tragic Monday shootings at Virginia Tech in…

By: Martha Kim
Issue date: 4/24/07
Section: Letters to the Editor

To the editor:

As a Korean-American, I am appalled at the media's focus on the fact that the Virginia Tech killer was a "resident alien" from South Korea, even though he…

UPDATED: 17:04, April 19, 2007

A total of 33 people, including the gunman Seung-Hui Cho, 23, were killed Monday at Virginia Tech University in the deadiest shooting rampage in modern US history. The whole of the United States is stunned and…

Police plan to arrest part-time MET student today

By: Jenna Nierstedt
Posted: 4/19/07

A part-time Boston University student allegedly threatened to recreate the Virginia Tech shootings at Wheelock College late Monday, according to police, who…
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