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作者:范彦萍 新闻来源:上海青年报 更新时间:2007-4-19…

4·16 총격 사건이 발생했던 미국 버지니아공대 노리스홀 바로 옆 본관 건물에서 지난 5일 로렌스 힝커(Hincker) 부총장보를 만났다. 힝커 부총장보는 "분명한 것은 4·16 사건이 한국과는 아무런…

2007 사건 그 후 美 버지니아 공대 총기난사
"8개월 지났지만 아직 못 잊어"

버지니아 공대생 가슴 속 상처는 그대로
총격현장 노리스홀엔 '안전주의' 벽보... 교실은 잠겨

Primo de Ramón Ortiz, víctima en virginia tech, lo recuerda como un joven ejemplar

Publicado por Maribel Hastings
Corresponsal La Opinión

Washington, D.C.— Juan Ramón Ortiz Ortiz era un joven ingeniero de 26 años,…

Escrito por Cronista en 11:11 AM
jueves 19 de abril de 2007

Intento redactar una nota sobre lo ocurrido en Virginia Tech pero no puedo. Me perturba leer los testimonios. Me perturba la fragilidad humana. El punto de quiebre tan variopinto como…

Por Charles Peña
2 de junio de 2007

No es ninguna sorpresa que a raíz de la tragedia de Virginia Tech en abril de 2007 en la que 33 personas resultaron muertas, el control de las armas se haya convertido en un tema en la carrera hacia la…

中新网布莱克斯堡4月19日电 题:误冲禁区被捕三小时,中国学生崔少卓体验完全不同枪案现场


People put a wreath on the wall of the Burrus Hall to remember the victims on April 20.


Two students participate in a Virginia Tech vigil for NIU. Photo taken Monday, February 18, 2008.

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A Tribute to Professor G. V. Loganathan

Arun K. Deb, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Vice President (Ret.), Weston Solutions, Inc. E-mail:

April 16, 2007 started like any other day on…

Although I have not finished with music that I feel is worthy yet, I wanted to share the words with our VT families. My prayers are with all of the families. Lee Stephens - Christiansburg

Deep Blue Ridge Rain

Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains,…

Sweet Student and Alumni Party.jpg
Every food vendor in the New River Valley area was out giving away free food. It was awesome.

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