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View of the drillfield prior to the start of the Hokies Thank The World event on Saturday, November 17, 2007. In the foreground, participants can clearly be seen standing on the marker lines that made up the massive thank you message.


Promotional flyer for Hokies Thank The World Event, scheduled for Saturday, November 17, 2007. Text on the flyer reads: "Join thousands of fellow Hokies in creating a message of thanks to the world that will be recorded by aerial photography and…

By Lynn Davis

BLACKSBURG, Va., November 14, 2007 -- A "Hokies Thank The World" event will take place Saturday, Nov. 17, from 10:35 to 11:12 a.m. at the Virginia Tech Drillfield in Blacksburg., rain or shine.

The event will bring together…

On Saturday, November 17, participants in the Hokies Thank The World event - most clad in orange and maroon - stand on lines marking the outline of a giant drillfield message reading "VT THANKS YOU". The War Memorial is visible in the center…

(PDF, 6.9 MB)

by Hart Fowler

Photos by Christina O'Connor

From concept to design to action, Peter Sforza was the man behind the scenes orchestrating Virginia Tech's message of gratitude, making this Thanksgiving one of positive…

By Mark Owczarski

BLACKSBURG, Va., August 15, 2007 -- To coincide with the start of the new academic year, Virginia Tech will dedicate the memorial to the victims of April 16 on Sunday, August 19 at noon.

At the conclusion of the approximately…

18 April, 2007

I was doing a bit of wandering in Second Life today, and came across a rather well-done memorial to the Virginia Tech tragedy in an area that's academically focused (it's staffed 50+ hours per week by volunteer reference…

Sign by Branch & Associates, Inc. on a building being constructed on Virginia Tech's Blacksburg campus. Photo taken by Thomas Upton on April 24, 2007.

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Photo taken April 21, 2007 by Ross Catrow.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic.

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Virginia Tech President Charles Steger speaks at the VT-Engage kickoff event on October 16, 2007.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Cupp.

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The Marching Virginians perform at the VT-Engage kickoff event on October 16, 2007.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Cupp.

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View of the drillfield during the VT-Engage kickoff event on October 16, 2007.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Cupp.

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October 16th, 2007 - During the Marching Virginians' performance at VT-Engage, mother of Jarrett Lane, a Virginia Tech shooting victim, said thank you to the band for performing at his high school's first football game this semester.…

October 16th, 2007 - Blacksburg mayor Ron Rordam speaks about his expectations of VT-Engage.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Cupp.

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미국 버지니아텍 총기 난사 사건으로 숨진 희생자들의 넋을 기리는 추모 문화제가 21일 밤 서울광장에서 열린다.

선진화국민회의와 재향군인회 등 200여개 보수 성향의 시민단체는 이날…

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찰스 스티거 버지니아 공대 총장은 20일(현지시간) 이 대학 한국 학생들이 아주 우수하다며 조승희군 총기 난사 사건으로 이들의 동요가 없도록 적극 노력하겠다고 밝혔다.

스티거 총장은…

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버지니아텍 총격사건의 범인 조승희씨는 정신병적 정신구조를 가졌고, '상징적 아버지'의 표상인 교수와 학생들을 총기 난사의 대상으로 택했다는 분석이 나와 눈길을 끌고…

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미국 버지니아텍(공대) 총기사건 당시 한인보호 활동과 추모 기금 인 '버지니아텍 펀드' 조성에 앞장선 동포 1.5세 변호사인 김지혜씨가 30일 방한했다.

김지혜(35.미국명 지 헬렌…

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미국 현충일인 지난 5월28일 32명의 무고한 생명을 앗아간 총기난사사건이 벌어졌던 버지니아 공대(버지니아텍) 교내에 낡은 피아노 한대가 놓여있었다.

잿빛이 도는 갈색을 가진…

지난 4월 미국 버지니아 공대에서 벌어진 총기 참사를 소재로 한 무용극이 이달 말 관객들을 만난다.

퍼포밍 아트그룹 칼미아(예술감독 정선혜)ê°€ 28-29일 천안시 봉서홀 무대에 올리는…

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