Browse Items (1884 total)

The week after the shooting, people placed bunches of flowers in front of the Norris Hall to express their sadness.

Scoreboard during Yankees vs. Hokies game on March 18, 2008.

Photo by Rachel VanPelt.


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Article written for the DMAC, Motion Matters Newsletter, April Edition:

On Monday, April 16, 2007, a sanctuary of learning was violated in Blacksburg, Virginia. As a Virginia Tech Alumni, father of a VT student, husband to a VT faculty member,…

Mourning II.jpg
Students comfort each other on the football field during the convocation.

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Photo Courtesy of Roger Gupta

By Armin Rosen

It unfolded like a terrifying set-piece, and each new item of information seemed more trite and intuitive than the next: the killer had been a student. He had been a social outcast, homicidally contemptuous…

By Richard Crocker, College Chaplain
Friday, April 20, 2007

To the Editor:

We mourn the deaths of students and faculty at Virginia Tech ("Virginia Tech gunman kills 32 in bloodbath," April 17). It is appropriate and natural that we should do…

I was fortunate to teach Leslie Sherman in my Advanced Placement European History course at West Springfield High School. She was a wonderful student with a creative mind and a great sense of humor. She was especially known for her beautiful smile…

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Items left at the memorial plaque of Leslie Sherman on the drillfield. Photo taken on 5-1-07.

Photo by Teri H. Hoover.

Gregor Hens
20.04.2007 00:00 Uhr

Anzeige Während der Ãœbung piepst ein Telefon. Ich werfe einen genervten Blick in die Richtung, aus der der Ton gekommen ist. Es piepst noch einmal - derselbe Student. Ich sehe jetzt, wie er seine SMS liest,…

Publicado por La Raza Newspaper

Washington, D.C. (EFE).— Un comité creado por el presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, para estudiar la matanza en la Universidad virginia tech recomendó ayer controlar mejor a las "personas…

Memorial stone of Henry J. Lee on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

One of the items on display at the Alumni Center Art Exhibit. On 4/16/08, as part of the Day of Remembrance observance, the Holtzman Alumni Center Museum displayed examples of art, crafts, quilts, and other memorabilia contributed since April 16,…

Group offers condolences, solidarity; discusses candlelight memorial service

Kaitlynn Riely

Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: News

At their first meeting following the shooting deaths of 32 students and faculty members at Virginia Tech, the…

Sonia Rao
Issue date: 4/18/07 Section: News

In light of the Virginia Tech shooting tragedy Monday, student body president Liz Brown asked members of the Council of Representatives (COR) for input Tuesday on how the Notre Dame student body could…

Students laying wreaths at the stone of the Congressional Medal of Honor honorees.

Photo courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

On the morning of Monday, August 20 - the first day of Fall 2007 classes - an unidentified visitor places a white daisy next to each victim's hokie stone at the intermediate memorial. The memorial had been formally dedicated the previous day.…

031 Lauren Ashley McCain.jpg
Items left at the memorial plaque of Lauren McCain on the drillfield. Photo taken on 5-1-07.

Photo by Teri H. Hoover.

Ken Shold, an NIU almunus and father of a current student, sheds tears while praying in front of Cole Hall on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, on the Northern Illinois University campus in DeKalb.

Feb 16, 2008 @…

Publicado por La bloguera en Mayo 2, 2007 04:24 PM

La peor masacre escolar en la historia de Estados Unidos, que dejó un saldo de 33 muertos en la Universidad de Virginia Tech, ha generado más interrogantes que respuestas, y mientras la nación…

Memorial stone of Jarrett Lee Lane on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


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