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20MINUTOS.ES. 18.04.2007 - 04:54h

Ban Ki-moon, el Papa o Javier Solana han mostrado su pesar.Países 'enemigos' como Irán o Venezuela también han condenado los asesinatos.

Por Andrea Hopkins
23.04.2007 - 23:01h

BLACKSBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Los estudiantes de la universidad de Virginia Tech, portando 33 banderas blancas que representaban a las víctimas y al responsable del tiroteo más trágico de la historia…

Por El Nuevo Día - Puerto Rico

Hace un año, los recién casados Juan Ramón Ortiz y Liselle Vega se trasladaron a Virginia a estudiar sus respectivas maestrías.

BAYAMON - Amante de los bongós. Estudiante de talento extraordinario. Sano y…

Reproducido por: Zona Cerebral

Este es el propósito de la web para el día 30 de Abril, intentar que miles de bloggers en todo el mundo detengan su maquinaria incesante de producción en honor a las víctimas de la masacre…


Publicado por Andercismo

Los últimos acontecimientos en Estados Unidos - desagrdables por supuesto - nos trae a tema la cuestion del ¿por qué?. Definitivamente en este país existe una cultura que promueve la violencia pero quizás el tema vaya…

Escrito por Cronista en 11:11 AM
jueves 19 de abril de 2007

Intento redactar una nota sobre lo ocurrido en Virginia Tech pero no puedo. Me perturba leer los testimonios. Me perturba la fragilidad humana. El punto de quiebre tan variopinto como…


I attended the vigil for Virginia Tech Tuesday night, and it was extremely touching. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Monday's shooting.

It is times like this when we ask ourselves how someone could…

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SEVILLE, Spain - The news of the 33 deaths in Blacksburg, Va., on Monday spread a sobering cloud over the UNC students studying in this traditional Spanish city.

Here, where the streets still shut down for the sacred midday siesta, students have…

BLACKSBURG, Va. - A steady stream of breaking news added to the tension on Virginia Tech's campus Wednesday following the Monday deaths of 33 students and faculty.

An afternoon press conference revealed that NBC News received a package…

The shootings at Virginia Tech on Monday hit too close to home for some students and faculty at both Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools high schools.

Many said they worried that several recent graduates of East Chapel Hill and Chapel Hill high…

BLACKSBURG, Va. - The revelation that Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui had a documented history of psychological problems is likely to intensify an already heated debate about how campuses handle troubled students.

A number of high-profile…

The focus of a discussion between public safety officials on area crime issues quickly turned to Virginia Tech at the 2007 Chapel Hill-Carrboro-Orange County Forum sponsored by WCHL.

The forum was intended as an opportunity to discuss local…


I am a Hokie.

I finished my degree work at Virginia Tech in 1974, and in all these years, I have never regretted my choice to go to Blacksburg. I became the man that I am there.

To have this ugly nightmare play out in my…
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