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I'm not sure the memorials will still be on the drill field when we get back from Missouri, so Mara and I went over to see them one last time afternoon in case the aren't there when we get back.

Orginial Source:…

Pic 023.jpg
The Community Center across from Blacksburg High School expresses its support for Virginia Tech.

Photo Courtesy of Chad Newswander

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The Apostolics of New River Valley on North Main have built a small memorial for the 33 victims.

Photo Courtesy of Chad Newswander

SHOOTING: Study shows that often many common myths about school shootings are not necessarily correct.

By Chammarra Johnson
Staff Writer

Following the recent shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, an article released on…

`조승희 추모 편지` 버텍 여대생 스탠리 인터뷰

"승희 사진을 ë³´ê³  'ì•„, 교정에서 몇 번인가 마주쳤던 ê·¸ 말 없던 아이구나'ê³  어렴풋이 기억이 났습니다. 그때 승희에게 다가가…

`조씨는 미국서 15년 산 미국인 이 일로 한국 학생 차별 없을 것`

"사건이 발생한 16일 저녁부터 한국계 아니면 중국계 아시아 학생이 범인이란 소문이 돌았다. 그러나 그때까지만 해도…

Ismael Ax + Email To Wendell Flinchum.doc
Lt. Wendell Flinchum - Email + Attached File

1 - Email Lt.W.F. - "Cryptic" - "Ismael Ax"

2 - True Reason - "Cryptic" - "Ismael Ax"

3 - 14 Apr.'07 - "True Premonition" - sister

4 - 19 Apr.'07 - "True Epiphany" - self

5 -…

Por Charles Peña
2 de junio de 2007

No es ninguna sorpresa que a raíz de la tragedia de Virginia Tech en abril de 2007 en la que 33 personas resultaron muertas, el control de las armas se haya convertido en un tema en la carrera hacia la…

Presidential Policy Memorandum No. 241

TO: All Virginia Tech Employees

FROM: Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 16, 2007

SUBJECT: Handling Information Requests About Events of April 16, 2007

Approved by the President: May 16, 2007

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:56:43 -0500
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Letter from President Steger on Northern Illinois University

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff

As I…

Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 18:17:17 -0500
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Ongoing support for Northern Illinois University, Virginia Tech

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Virginia Tech community continues to…

Charles Warner / Media Curmudgeon Blog

Television has once again gone on a rampage of gluttony over the tragic murders at Virginia Tech. However, it depends on your definition of what constitutes gluttony and what kind of TV you're talking…

A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

UVA II.jpg
A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

Class Takes Cover.jpg
Students gather in Holden Hall during the massacre at Virginia Tech

The statement below was made by the photographer:

I hereby license the attached photo under the GNU Free Documentation License with the following…

This woman was on College Ave. and Main Street after the convocation. This is a prime expample of how close our community is. I told her "I love you" and she replied "I love you more..."

I love this town, I have lived here all my life (19 years)…

This picture was taken at our annual Blue/White scrimmage and is only a small example of the outpouring of support for the Virgina Tech family on that day.
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