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The week after the tragedy,people got together to mourn for the victims around the drillfield.

Haiyan Cheng,who experienced the shooting on April 16, is talking with the Chinese journalists.

People volunteered to set up a stone marked with "VT" for other people to light candles.

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In order to express the grief, Virginia Tech lowered down the national flag in front of the Burrus Hall for weeks after the shooting.

People tied maroon and orange ribbons on trees to express grief and remembrance a week after April 16.

A memorial site for one of the victims whose name is Daniel Perez Cueva,around the Hokie stone on the drillfield.

Several of the posters were placed around the Squire Student Center for people to write messages to the VT community.

Tribute poster written by High Point Elementary's students was posted in the Graduate Life Center of Virginia Tech.

On April 24,several tribute posters for the VT community were placed around the Graduate Life Center.

A banner was hung in front of the Squires Student Center. We will remember this painful date forever.

Photo taken April 19,2007

A huge VT support poster was hung in the Squires Student Center. This poster was filled with fingerprints and moving messages.

Photo taken April 19,2007

Nafeesah Abdullah
May 06, 2007

In light of recent events this just gets added to the list of school shootings that have taken place over the last 5+ years and what seems to be motive is identical the perpetrators are young white males under the…

ambulances April 16 2007 -B.jpg
The scene really told the story of what we were feeling at that moment, a blend of knowing something really bad had happened and that people we knew were going to be put into those ambulances but not knowing who they are....anticipation, fear,…

By: Natalie Orphanos
Posted: 4/20/07

In light of recent events, I am very disappointed in the administration's lack of a response to its students. Boston University prides itself on being a close-knit community despite its large size, a…

April 20, 2007
Natalie Solent (Essex)
Nikki Giovanni found one of her Creative Writing students a trial.
"And every class I'm saying, 'Mr. Cho, take off your (sun)-glasses please, take your hat off please. Mr. Cho, that's not a…

By Natalya Kostandova
Monday, April 23, 2007

The student body awoke Thursday morning expecting the day to bring much change to campus, largely in form of a couple hundred prefrosh who arrived throughout the day. Not many, however, expected to see…

about 1 month ago by Nate Brugnone

The recent shootings at Virginia Tech are not only a tragedy at face-value, they are also a revealing tragedy on many social levels. As this story broke almost every headline across the US, and no doubt…

Marine One.jpg
President Bush flying into Blacksburg on Marine One.

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The presidential motorcade arrives at the convocation.

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Motorcade II.jpg
The presidential motorcade arrives at the convocation.

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