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Vigil IV.jpg
A child attends the Virginia Tech vigil.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

VT Vigil III.jpg
A woman lights a candle near the main memorial site during the Virginia Tech vigil.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

VT Vigil IV.jpg
Several cadets attend the Virginia Tech Vigil and participate in one of the various cheers that erupted from the crowd.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

media III.jpg
Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieria of the Today Show broadcast from the drill field.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

VT logo.jpg
A student writes a message of support and love at message board near the main memorial site on the drill field.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

This photo was captured at the Virginia Tech convocation in Lane Stadium.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

By:Daniel Ross
Posted: 4/24/07

"The Changing Gun Debate," an article written by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in response to the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech, can be found in the April 30 issue of Newsweek. I applaud his insight and…

VT tragedy requires look at gun control

For too long this country has refused to take a realistic approach to gun control legislation, often pointing to the debatable phrasing of the Second Amendment. This negligence has led to the horrifying…

Yale Daily News - Memorials are a positive force after tragedy.pdf
Published: Thursday, May 3, 2007
Opinion articles

Danielle Tumminio
Guest Column

4/17/07. When students from Virginia Tech struggled to make sense of the horror that struck their campus last week, they erected a banner on their student center…

Tags: ,

By Danielle Williamson/Daily News staff
Tue Apr 17, 2007, 12:07 AM EDT

NO DATA - For Bill Saam, the slaughter yesterday at his alma mater resurrected the shock, sadness and anger he felt when terrorists attacked the World Trade…

By: Danny Mistarz
Posted: 4/24/07
After the tragic events that took place at Virginia Tech April 16, the anti-Second Amendment crowd has once again reared its ugly head. The usual claims of guns causing violence and the necessity to ban personal…

As a graduate of Virginia Tech, I wanted to do something positive in response to the recent tragedy. My web company ( will donate ALL PROCEEDs for the rest of April to the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. Go…


May 22, 2007
By Darren Franich

Suicide is so much less embarrassing than homicide. Can you imagine the shitstorm maelstrom that would engulf our pretty campus if someone shot five people? Shot them so their blood splattered across the tables of…

By: Dave Arey
Posted: 4/25/07
Hours after the Virginia Tech shootings, people were already looking for something to blame.

Fox News had on lawyer and "school shootings expert" Jack Thompson, an infamous critic of video games. He gave the dubious…

Published by Dave April 18th, 2007

This past weekend was the middle weekend of April. That's the time universities put on dog-and-pony shows for students who have been admitted, to help them make up their minds.

My daughter has been…

Published by Dave April 25th, 2007

I have been on the sidelines of quite a number of handgun deaths in my life. Thank God, I haven't really been in the crossfire, nor has any member of my family. But gun violence has come close enough to me…

Dave Vogt /

I am honestly at a loss for what to say about the events that unfolded on the Virginia Tech campus this morning. I was walking across the Drillfield towards GBJ when firing broke out in Norris hall. I had heard nothing…

Saturday, April 21, 2007

"this is a lesson for all o. i think those American parents should learn a lesson or 2 from this. with the way their kids tease other people of different nationalities. i went to school abroad as well, and i can tell you…

Blacksburg Mayor Ron Rordam being interviewed on April 18,2007, two days after the Virginia Tech Tragedy.

Thursday, April 19. 2007
As all of America mourns the deaths which occurred on the Virginia Tech campus, bloggers are drawing comparisons to the body count that issues daily from Iraq. See a particularly poignant post from Floyd Rudmin of…
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