on the VT massacre


on the VT massacre


<p>17 April 2007

The talking heads keep talking about the "VT Massacre", not that it doesn&#39;t deserve attention, but this is too much attention. And VT is getting a bad wrap unfairly on one specific point: the notification of students on campus as to what was going on.

The media seem obsessed with the 2-hour gap between the first shooting and the campus-wide email. They think the whole campus should have been told immediately. This is a short-sighted and impatient assumption, and is definitely not appropriate in a time like this when cooler heads should prevail.

First, when the first shooting occurred, no one knew what the hell was going on! As with any incident like this, the police responded immediately, and their first priority was to figure out what happened. From what the VT police have said, they had reason to believe the shooter had left campus. So, what good would it have been to lock the campus down? And even if they had, how would that have stopped the assailant from coming back, as this may have only added police officers to the list of the dead. <strong>My point is VT authorities didn&#39;t notify anyone immediately because they didn&#39;t know what to tell them!</strong>

In this age of information and 24-hour TV news, many have been spoiled into thinking they should have answers immediately, and that someone has failed them if they don&#39;t. Spoiled is definitely the best word for that outlook. Answers aren&#39;t always available right away, and rarely is the complete picture seen even days after an event like this, if ever.

So, why are some in the media out to vilify the very people who were trying to protect the public and figure this whole thing out? I can see no reason other than lack of understanding and sensationalism, neither of which is an acceptable answer.


On a different note about the incidents of yesterday: As a life member of <a href="http://www.kkpsi.org">Kappa Kappa Psi Honorary Band Fraternity</a>, as was receiving updates on the status on members of our chapter at VT. All were accounted for by midday and none harmed.

But we did get unfortunate news: One of the fallen was a member of the VT Band, a brother-in-arms, if you will. From <a href="http://www.music.vt.edu/performance/ensembles/mv/index.shtml">the Marching Virginians website</a>:</p>
<blockquote><i>The Marching Virginians are deeply sorrowed by the loss of fellow MV and friend, Ryan "Stack" Clark. He was a loved friend, mentor, and role model who will always hold a special place in the hearts of all the MVs as a true example of The Spirit Of Tech. Stack, we thank you for all the memories, and for sharing with us your true love of life. We will love and miss you always.</i></blockquote>
<p>Please continue to keep those up at Virginia Tech and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

-the Progressive Conservative

posted by Matt Collins at <a href="http://conservativeprogress.blogspot.com/2007/04/on-vt-massacre.html">4/17/2007 08:51:00 AM</a>


Original Source: <a href="http://conservativeprogress.blogspot.com/2007/04/on-vt-massacre.html">http://conservativeprogress.blogspot.com/2007/04/on-vt-massacre.html</a>

This work is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License</a>.</p>


Matt Collins




Brent Jesiek


Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License




Matt Collins, “on the VT massacre,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 14, 2025, https://april16archive.org/items/show/553.