Are you a Hokie
Are you a Hokie
I never really thought of myself as a Hokie. I came to VT to learn engineering and science. I have never been to a game nor participated in any student activities. I have always thought of myself as a student here to learn, not a Hokie. Tragedy struck and I asked myself, like all did, what can I do? I found myself walking through campus, like I have done so many times before. This time it was different. I was not in a hurry to get to class and there was no commotion ringing off the building walls from fellow students. It was quite unlike any night at VT I had ever experienced. I was handed a candle and I walked out onto the Drillfield. I lit my candle and a tidal wave of previously unknown Hokie pride came over me as I heard students chant "Let's Go....HOKIES!" I was a Hokie. I did not know any of our fellow fallen Hokies, but I am not ashamed to say I loved them and nor should you. And when you walk the Hokie walk and feel as though something is different, do not ask yourself, "Is it just me?" We are all one body, one soul, one Hokie, even when we do not know it.
Joseph Guirreri
Joseph Guirreri
Joseph Guirreri, “Are you a Hokie,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,