You vs. MSM in Va Tech Shooting Coverage


You vs. MSM in Va Tech Shooting Coverage


by <a href="">brock</a> | April 23, 2007 at 08:21 pm

As the terrible story of the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus began to unfold last week, the tens of thousands of moving pieces that make up the main stream media were kicked into high gear. The effort to get reporters "on the ground" and "in the face" of those on campus is startling in its breadth and depth.

As you see below, <b>the Washington Post threw no less than 75 reporters</b> at the story!! That is stunning. And when further reading the piece, <i>there was concern among the editors on the Post</i> because it was <i>too windy to charter a private plane to fly their reporters</i> to the Va Tech campus.

And then there was you, citizen journalist, crowd sourcing the story from any angle. NowPublic was fielding eye-witness accounts and sifting through rumors in real-time mode; ethical discussions about what information was appropriate to release and when (NowPublic had the name of the shooter&#39;s first victim very early on, perhaps before the main stream media knew) it was appropriate to do so.

The crew at NowPublic handled the chaos with grace and style and sensitivity and with more coolness and level heads than I&#39;ve seen in major newsrooms during breaking stories. And they did with a fraction of the resources at the command of media outlets like the Washington Post or NBC News. And they did a more than commendable job.

What&#39;s the point? Simply this: that effort couldn&#39;t have happened without <i><b>YOU</b></i>, the citizen journalist. I&#39;ve talked to many about citizen driven journalism or "crowd sourcing," whatever you want to call it, and many people I talk to ask "what&#39;s the use?" especially when there are places like the Washington Post throwing 75 people at the story. But that&#39;s exactly the point: with all the resources available to all of you, all of your friends and their friends... citizen journalism can be (should be) a force to be reckoned with. But it starts with you; <b>you gotta believe in this</b>... and then just jump in.

<b>Point, click...National News Story</b>

In a follow-on segment to this piece that I&#39;ll have in a couple of days, I&#39;m going to lay out to you a case-study in "How to Hack the Media," and by that I mean how you, sitting at home, in your office, in the park, at Starbucks or <i>on a beach in Nicaragua</i> can break a story and have the likes of CNN, the Los Angeles Times and FOX News all chasing after your story.

Yes, it&#39;s true and it&#39;s almost too easy. I&#39;ll lay it out for you step-by-step, complete with a fresh example, using the story I broke a couple of weeks ago while knocking back some local brews in the sleepy little fishing village of San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua.

<i>Stay Tuned...</i>


Original Source: Brock N. Meeks /
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Brock N. Meeks






Brent Jesiek






Brock N. Meeks, “You vs. MSM in Va Tech Shooting Coverage,” The April 16 Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,