Why I Participated in the One Day Blog Silence
Why I Participated in the One Day Blog Silence
<p>I chose to participate in the <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/one-day-blog-silence.html">One Day Blog Silence</a>. There are much worse, but less publicized violence and prejudice daily, so I have spent the one day blog silence in honor of all victims of injustice around the world. The silence day was started to honor those who died at the <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/virginia-tech-shooting-updates.html">Virginia Tech Massacre</a>. Sadly, it has been the most controversial issue I have seen within the blogosphere.</p>
<p>Why do we argue whether or not to participate? First of all, we all intend to honor those who were killed. Is it not possible to do so in our own ways, without having to argue what the best way is? I don't care in what way you do it, as long as you stand against injustice, I definitely agree with you.</p>
<p>Further, some say that silence isn't the best way to honor the dead. First of all, what do you do at funerals? Your mourn, then you move on. Moreover, what action do you plan on taking? We can speak out; I've already posted about <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/preventing-hatred-and-animosity.html">abolishing animosity</a>. But further than that, we have little power to change much of the law, let alone drastically change other countries. So if you think of an alternative, that isn't too idealistic, I wish to take part. For the meantime do what you gotta do. In my case, I chose to share my thoughts and spend a day in silence.</p>
<blockquote>Man’s inability to live God’s words makes the Avatar’s teaching a mockery. Instead of practicing the compassion he taught, man has waged wars in his name. Instead of living the humility, purity, and truth of his words, man has given way to hatred, greed, and violence. Because man has been deaf to the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present Avataric form, I observe silence. - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silence_Day">Silence Day</a></blockquote>
<blockquote>Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies in schools. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today. What are you going to do to end the silence? - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_silence#Events">Day of Silence</a></blockquote>
<p>Of course this is a hypocritical post. I am arguing that using Silence is not futile. But I am mainly doing this to defend why I personally chose to participate, and to explain why I don't think it is foolish.</p>
<p>A secondary reason against the One Day Blog Silence is a claim that it is a scam. People do everything for money, much like what's happening to <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/religion-losing-meaning.html">Relgion</a>. However I don't think anyone would step that low to use the deaths of 30 students for personal gain. If there was someone, then there's really nothing we can do now. If this does turn out to be a scam, and that the website is redirected in the future, then whoever did this was incredibly stupid. People will know exactly where the links redirect to, and will most likely speak against that website.</p>
<p>Just my thoughts. I don't want you to say that spending a day in silence was right. I would just like you to acknowledge that it wasn't wrong either. <b><i>Do what you gotta do. I don't care in what way you do it, as long as you stand against injustice, I definitely agree with you.</i></b></p>
<p>Posted by 2Perfect on <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html">5/01/2007 12:10:00 AM</a></p>
<p>Original Source: <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html">http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html</a></p>
<p>Licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada</a>.</p>
<p>Why do we argue whether or not to participate? First of all, we all intend to honor those who were killed. Is it not possible to do so in our own ways, without having to argue what the best way is? I don't care in what way you do it, as long as you stand against injustice, I definitely agree with you.</p>
<p>Further, some say that silence isn't the best way to honor the dead. First of all, what do you do at funerals? Your mourn, then you move on. Moreover, what action do you plan on taking? We can speak out; I've already posted about <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/preventing-hatred-and-animosity.html">abolishing animosity</a>. But further than that, we have little power to change much of the law, let alone drastically change other countries. So if you think of an alternative, that isn't too idealistic, I wish to take part. For the meantime do what you gotta do. In my case, I chose to share my thoughts and spend a day in silence.</p>
<blockquote>Man’s inability to live God’s words makes the Avatar’s teaching a mockery. Instead of practicing the compassion he taught, man has waged wars in his name. Instead of living the humility, purity, and truth of his words, man has given way to hatred, greed, and violence. Because man has been deaf to the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present Avataric form, I observe silence. - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silence_Day">Silence Day</a></blockquote>
<blockquote>Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies in schools. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today. What are you going to do to end the silence? - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_silence#Events">Day of Silence</a></blockquote>
<p>Of course this is a hypocritical post. I am arguing that using Silence is not futile. But I am mainly doing this to defend why I personally chose to participate, and to explain why I don't think it is foolish.</p>
<p>A secondary reason against the One Day Blog Silence is a claim that it is a scam. People do everything for money, much like what's happening to <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/religion-losing-meaning.html">Relgion</a>. However I don't think anyone would step that low to use the deaths of 30 students for personal gain. If there was someone, then there's really nothing we can do now. If this does turn out to be a scam, and that the website is redirected in the future, then whoever did this was incredibly stupid. People will know exactly where the links redirect to, and will most likely speak against that website.</p>
<p>Just my thoughts. I don't want you to say that spending a day in silence was right. I would just like you to acknowledge that it wasn't wrong either. <b><i>Do what you gotta do. I don't care in what way you do it, as long as you stand against injustice, I definitely agree with you.</i></b></p>
<p>Posted by 2Perfect on <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html">5/01/2007 12:10:00 AM</a></p>
<p>Original Source: <a href="http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html">http://two-perfect.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-i-participated-in-one-day-blog.html</a></p>
<p>Licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada</a>.</p>
2Perfect / BJ Nodora
Brent Jesiek
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
2Perfect / BJ Nodora, “Why I Participated in the One Day Blog Silence,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://april16archive.org/items/show/364.