Campus reaches out to Virginia Tech
Campus reaches out to Virginia Tech
Stanley Evans, Contributing Reporter
Students and faculty, including senior administration, formed a maroon "V" and an orange "T" on Freiberger Field last Friday to show their support for the Virginia Tech community. The turnout included various professors and administrators, including the provosts. President Eastwood wore a maroon button-down shirt.
From the top of Kelvin Smith Library, photographers and cameramen captured the event. Two poses were taken: one with participants looking up at the camera, another with heads bowed. The composition of the photographs is similar to those taken of incoming freshman classes spelled out to read "Case" or "CWRU."
"I think a lot of people really wanted to show their support to the community of Virginia Tech and I think that sentiment is only stronger if we do this as a large campus group as we are now," said Andrew Witte, who pinned a maroon and orange ribbon to his shirt.
Three local television news teams and a Plain Dealer reporter were on hand to record the event. Student and faculty were interviewed, and students were asked to read biographies of the victims for a camera.
Some students seemed skeptical of the coverage. "I think Case does this kind of stuff for the publicity," said a student who wished to remain anonymous. However, she was wearing maroon and orange and posed as part of the human letters.
The USG executive board organized the event. Other organizations involved were the University Program Board, Class Officers Collective, Interfraternity Congress, Panhellenic Council, Residence Hall Association, and Media Board.
Other events included painting the wall outside of Thwing in memoriam and a card signing in Thwing last Friday.
The cards and pictures were sent to Virginia Tech on Monday.
"I know we can't compare to their loss, but we at least are trying to do something," said Jose Baez.
Original Source:<a href=>The Observer - April 26, 2007</a>
Students and faculty, including senior administration, formed a maroon "V" and an orange "T" on Freiberger Field last Friday to show their support for the Virginia Tech community. The turnout included various professors and administrators, including the provosts. President Eastwood wore a maroon button-down shirt.
From the top of Kelvin Smith Library, photographers and cameramen captured the event. Two poses were taken: one with participants looking up at the camera, another with heads bowed. The composition of the photographs is similar to those taken of incoming freshman classes spelled out to read "Case" or "CWRU."
"I think a lot of people really wanted to show their support to the community of Virginia Tech and I think that sentiment is only stronger if we do this as a large campus group as we are now," said Andrew Witte, who pinned a maroon and orange ribbon to his shirt.
Three local television news teams and a Plain Dealer reporter were on hand to record the event. Student and faculty were interviewed, and students were asked to read biographies of the victims for a camera.
Some students seemed skeptical of the coverage. "I think Case does this kind of stuff for the publicity," said a student who wished to remain anonymous. However, she was wearing maroon and orange and posed as part of the human letters.
The USG executive board organized the event. Other organizations involved were the University Program Board, Class Officers Collective, Interfraternity Congress, Panhellenic Council, Residence Hall Association, and Media Board.
Other events included painting the wall outside of Thwing in memoriam and a card signing in Thwing last Friday.
The cards and pictures were sent to Virginia Tech on Monday.
"I know we can't compare to their loss, but we at least are trying to do something," said Jose Baez.
Original Source:<a href=>The Observer - April 26, 2007</a>
Stanley Evans
Sara AA Hood
Margaret Grady <>
Stanley Evans, “Campus reaches out to Virginia Tech,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,