Korean feelings on Virginia Tech massacre


Korean feelings on Virginia Tech massacre


By: Hae Min Sung, Contributing Writer
Posted: 4/24/07
There was a Virginia Tech Massacre. Everyone was horrified. The killer committed suicide in the end, but he had already killed 32 people. Whenever I turned on the television, I saw the killer's face, and I watched the video clips the killer sent to NBC.

I am a Korean. And at some point, I wish that I could speak some Japanese or Chinese so that I wouldn 't have to admit it. That doesn't mean that I don't want to be a Korean or I hate my nationality. But for now, I really don't want to face.

When I heard the killer was a Korean, I didn't want to believe it. Korea is a peaceful nation, and we don't do that kind of terrible thing, I thought.

I didn't do it, but I am so ashamed as a Korean. He just ruined my country's name. There was a cherish ceremony in Los Angeles' Korea town right after the massacre was broadcasted. Some people say it's an overreaction that Korean people blame themselves, so much so that many Americans scoff at Koreans. Unlike America, Korea is a nation of collectivism. Nation, society and groups come first, then individuals. That is why people are ashamed themselves as parents, as students and as Koreans. It is not only the killer's problem, but also Koreans'.

I don't know what to say to those victims' families and to Americans. I cannot say anything but "I'm sorry." Whenever people talk about the massacre, I really want to leave. Wherever I go, I feel like people see me in anger because I am Korean, even though I know that they really don't know whether I am or not.

At some point, I am scared that people might hate me because I am a Korean. At another point, I am scared that people might hit me or say something because I am a Korean. I don't think that American people are that irrational to hit somebody only because they have the same nationality that killer has. But I am afraid because as a Korean, I am ashamed of myself.

The killer said that the society made him like that and he didn't have any choice. He thought everyone hated him and treated him wrong, and he wouldn't run away from people and society anymore.

I don't want to say something bad to a person who has the same nationality as I do. But the killer was a psycho, and his way to face "the enemy" was definitely wrong.

Why are other people the enemy, and why does he think society is treating him wrong? What's he running from, and why does he have no choice but to kill people? What's wrong with this guy??!! I am so confused. I am so angry at him and feel so sorry for the victims, victims' family and everyone, but at the same time, I felt so bad for him as a Korean.

If he were not a Korean, I think, I might not feel this confusion; instead I'd just blame the murderer and feel bad for people involved in the massacre.

I wish that he were not a Korean. But he is; I cannot change that. I cannot change anything. I cannot do anything for the victims, their family and for people. I just can say I am so sorry.


Original Source:<a href=http://media.www.smudailycampus.com/media/storage/paper949/news/2007/04/24/Opinion/Korean.Feelings.On.Virginia.Tech.Massacre-2876142.shtml>SMU Daily Campus - April 24, 2007</a>


Hae Min Sung


SMU Daily Campus




Sara Hood


"Norris, Mark William" <mnorris@mail.smu.edu>




Hae Min Sung, “Korean feelings on Virginia Tech massacre,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://april16archive.org/items/show/1213.