Emails to VT STS 2154 students dated Mon Apr 16 to Sat Apr 21, 2007


Emails to VT STS 2154 students dated Mon Apr 16 to Sat Apr 21, 2007


On 4/16/07 12:21 PM, "" <> wrote:

All, please do not attempt to drop off the paper that is due today. I will send an update.

Please be safe. I hope that you are all okay.

Jane Lehr

Dr. Jane L. Lehr
Department of Science & Technology in Society
Virginia Tech, Mail Code 0247
Blacksburg, VA 24061
IM/IChat: janengcult

On 4/16/07 7:57 PM, "" <> wrote:
Subject Line: today&#39;s events

I am very worried about you all. If you have a moment, and if I have not already spoken with you by IM/phone/email, I would very much appreciate it if you would send me an email letting me know that you are alright. I very much hope that you all are. I wish there were something I could do. And if you wish to talk, etc., if I can be of any assistance, feel free to call at the number below.



Blackboard Announcement [Posted by Jane Lehr at 1:55 pm]
Mon, Apr 16, 2007 -- Papers, etc.
Students, your primary responsibility today is to yourselves, your friends, and your family. Please do not come to campus to drop off your papers. You can turn in hard copies on Thursday in class (assuming classes are not canceled). I understand if you are unable to turn in electronic copies by 5 pm. Please just do so as soon as possible.

I have spoken with a number of you by IM. I sincerely hope that all of my students are safe, as are your friends. My thoughts are with you. If for any reason you need to speak with me, you can call me at 540-320-5137. You can also reach me by IM/I-chat at janengcult.

I also understand that may need to reschedule your online chat.

Dr. Jane L. Lehr
Department of Science & Technology in Society
Virginia Tech, Mail Code 0247
Blacksburg, VA 24061
IM/IChat: janengcult

On 4/19/07 4:48 PM, "" <> wrote:
Subject Line: Thu, Apr 19, 2007 -- Procedure for the Completion of the Spring 2007 Academic Semester

Dear Students,
I can only begin to convey my sorrow and grief regarding the events of last Monday. Like many of you, I have struggled to find words -- and found it a nearly impossible task. My attention is now focused on developing a plan of action for the rest of the semester. You will find a copy of university procedures for the completion of the Spring 2007 academic semester below. I will be posting an updated schedule and list of assignments shortly, for students who wish to complete all or a portion of the Humanities, Technology and the Life Sciences class.

Our challenge, as a class, is to determine how, if at all, perspectives and tools we have explored and/or were scheduled to explore in this course can assist us in beginning to imagine the post-April 16th world. We are also encouraged by many to return to &#39;everyday life&#39; and &#39;everyday tasks&#39; -- even though there is nothing &#39;everyday&#39; about the situation in which we find ourselves. Building off of Dr. McNamee&#39;s statement below, I want to emphasize that I recognize that different students will have different needs and desires -- as well as differing abilities to return to campus or to our class. I am committed to a policy and practice of flexibility. I am committed to supporting you in any way in which I am able. I am committed to you and this university. We all are -- amidst all the diversity of this campus and within our course -- Virginia Tech.

If you did not attend the convocation, and have not done so already, I strongly encourage you to read the transcript of Nikki Giovanni&#39;s convocation address:

Finally, Governor Kaine has declared Friday, April 20, 2007 a statewide day of mourning for the victims of Monday&#39;s tragedy. In many communities, this will include prayer services beginning at noon. In many cases, these prayer services will be predominantly or fully-oriented within the Christian faith. I recognize that there are some students who either are not involved in a faith community or who do not identify as Christian. I recognize that these students may feel particularly challenged in locating resources or support options. Thus, again, I wish to state that my door is open to all, whether or not you continue in the course; that my door is open to students of all faiths, practices, and philosophies; and that I will work with you to assist you in locating the resources you need, no matter what these are.

With much sorrow ...

Dr. Jane L. Lehr
Department of Science & Technology in Society
Virginia Tech, Mail Code 0247
Blacksburg, VA 24061
IM/IChat: janengcult

On 4/21/07 3:55 PM, "" <> wrote:
Subject line: Important Update: Humanities, Technology & the Life Sciences

Dear Students,
In the past day or so, I have begun to reflect on how privileged I am, in a way, that I, as the instructor of 2 Spring 07 classes, have been forced to turn my attention away to logistical considerations.

I realize that, to date, I have responded to this tragedy primarily as an &#39;educator at Virginia Tech&#39; -- seeking to track down all of &#39;my&#39; students, feeling immense relief each time I hear from one of you, crying when I read your IM away messages (my poor student from Engineering Cultures who was lab partners with Henry Lee ...), even starting a website for other educators entitled &#39;Teaching After April 16th&#39;.

While not yet announced, the wiki section of this site will be located at:

This has protected me, I think, from being overwhelmed by my response to these events as a former student -- as someone who spent 8 years here earning two degrees; as someone who surprised herself while living in London by answering that she was "from Virginia, from Blacksburg, from Virginia Tech" ... As someone who was thrilled when the men&#39;s basketball team was invited to play in the NCAA tournament this year ... How surprising to me, a northeast girl who grew up mainly in PA who eschewed Penn State as an undergraduate college because it was "too big," because it was "too football," because it was "too ..." to find that I, in fact, love this university.

That said, I am writing with an update on our course.

* We will meet on T Apr 24 at our regular time. I encourage all of you, whether or not you believe you will complete any more assignments, to come to class.

* Many of you have already submitted Analysis #2 in Blackboard, and I have received a number of hard copies in my mailbox. If you have not done so already, please, if you are able, bring a hard copy to class when you return. If you have not yet completed Analysis #2, it would be fantastic if I could receive these by F Apr 27th -- however, I am also flexible on this, so please get in touch to discuss.

* If you decide to not complete any additional assignments, for most of you your grade will be based on:
1) Blackboard Homepage 1 point
2) Class Lead 5 points
3) Analysis #1 (5-7 pages) 5 points
4) Analysis #2 (5-7 pages) 10 points
5) Online Discussion 1 (IM) (2) 4 points
6) Blog: Reading/Class Discussion Responses 15 points
7) Blog: Film Diary 7.5 points
8) Blog: Participation Journal 5 points
9) Blog: Responses to Cohort Members 7.5 points
10) In-Class Participation 10 points

That means that, for most of you, 70 points are currently possible.

Some of you may have already posted responses in your blog about one or more cultural event(s). Each cultural event is worth an additional 2.5 possible points.

Some of you have not yet done a class lead. If you were scheduled to do a class lead after April 15, your total possible points, to date, are 65.

* Remaining Assignments: As you know, you have the option of choosing to complete any or all remaining assignments. These include:
1) Class evaluations: 1.5 points
2) IM Chat 2: 3.5 points
3) Feminist/Anti-Racist Sci-Fi Project: 10 points
4) Analysis #3: 10 points
5) Blog: Cultural Events: 5 points

Any additional blog postings will only boost your grade. I encourage you, if you wish, to transform your blog into a site of reflection regarding recent events. They are your blogs -- you own them. Do with then what you will.

* Sci-Fi Presentations: On Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to talk with your cohort, if you have not done so already, about whether or not you wish to complete this assignment either as a cohort or individually. So far, I have come up with a number of different completion scenarios. These include:
1) You can choose to present in class on either Th Apr 26 or T May 1;
2) You can choose to present to me (and any other members of our class who want to come) on Reading Day (Th May 3) -- off-campus location TBA;
3) You can create a webpage or powerpoint presentation by Fri May 4, that I will make available/link to on our Blackboard site for other people to look at.

* 2nd IM Chat -- again, on Tuesday you can discuss with your cohort.

* Current grades: I need to go through all of your blogs as soon as possible to determine your current blog grades. If you have been completing all your required postings and responding to your cohort members, your blog grade will be in the B+ to A+ range. I will do this as soon as possible.

I also expect that grades on Analysis #2 will be no lower than a B/B- (based on past work) and that a large number of you will receive As, as was the case with Analysis #1.

* Updated reading schedule: Please see Blackboard. If you are scheduled to do a class lead, please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to do so. (If you have not yet done a class lead and are not scheduled, yet want to do one, please let me know, too.)

Students, you each are so precious -- I can only begin to imagine the pain and grieving of those who have lost someone close.

I am so sorry.

I very much hope to see each of you again in class. If you cannot come to class, please remember that you are still welcome to come speak with me.

I am so sorry.

Dr. Jane L. Lehr
Department of Science & Technology in Society
Virginia Tech, Mail Code 0247
Blacksburg, VA 24061
IM/IChat: janengcult


Jane Lehr




Jane Lehr




Jane Lehr, “Emails to VT STS 2154 students dated Mon Apr 16 to Sat Apr 21, 2007,” The April 16 Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,