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  • Tags: obituary

Kevin Granata, who began his professional career at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, was among those killed in the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16. A professor of engineering science and mechanics, he was considered one of the…

By: Yoni Noble
Posted: 5/7/07

April 16th, 2007, the awful day when a disturbed student killed 32 people at Virginia Tech, will be forever etched in the Jewish consciousness. Liviu Librescu, professor of aeronautical engineering and a survivor of…

(PDF, 172KB; Full text below.)

Kevin Granata, PhD (December 29, 1961-April 16, 2007)

Marras, William S. PhD; Stokes, Ian A. F. PhD; Abel, Mark F. MD

Address correspondence to William S. Marras, PhD, E-mail:; Ian…
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