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Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees hold candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees hold candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech's President Steger holds a candle at vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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View of candlelight vigil for NIU under Torgerson Bridge at Virginia Tech.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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View of candlelight vigil for NIU on Virginia Tech's Alumni Mall.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees light candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees light candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendee signs a message board at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech students prepare candles for the NIU vigil.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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`조승희 추모 편지` 버텍 여대생 스탠리 인터뷰

"승희 사진을 ë³´ê³  'ì•„, 교정에서 몇 번인가 마주쳤던 ê·¸ 말 없던 아이구나'ê³  어렴풋이 기억이 났습니다. 그때 승희에게 다가가…

무슨 군사작전 암호와도 같은 이 단어, '이스마일 액스' 속에는 수줍음 타는 내성적 소년이 잔혹한 학살범으로 변해 ê°„ 정신분열의 과정과, 미국 사회에 깊숙이 내장된 울타리구조를…

미국 버지니아공대에서 발생한 최악의 총격 사건의 범인이 한국계 학생으로 밝혀지면서 재미 한인 사회는 충격에 휩싸였다. 한인들은 ìš°ì„  정신질환을 앓던 한인 í•œ 명이 저지른 사건이…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A nutcase shot 32 people and himself in Virginia tech. He was a loner, was obsessed with violence, and left some notes blaming "rich kids" and "debauchery" (that is, disapproved of other people having more money and…

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Horror is the natural first reaction. It is hard to get beyond tumultuous emotions given the stories, scenes, and sheer numbers coming out of the massacre today at Virginia Tech. The facebook has emerged from a period as a nascent form…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I first saw Blacksburg, and what was then V.P.I., almost fifty years ago, the summer of 1960. A member of my high school's chapter of the Future Farmers of America, I was attending the FFA's Virginia state…

By Fred Burton
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

Campus police at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Va., on April 17 identified the perpetrator of the shooting rampage on campus a day earlier as South Korean English…

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Listening to the Virginia Memorial, and all I hear is: "God-given", "God bless you", "community", "strength", "prayers", "family", "sanctuary", "violated', and of course, here come the leaders of the religious…

Posted Friday, April 20, 2007 by Eric Schnell on The Medium is the Message (Blog)

As the Virginia Tech tragedy unfolded students used a familiar the technology to keep connected with the events, friends, and families: Facebook.

Using laptops…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English at Virginia Tech, has completed his transformation from Clark Kent to, well, Rambo. Having killed and maimed over thirty people, in a calculated and merciless way,…
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