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By: Letter to the editor |
Issue date: 4/26/07 Section: Commentary

In response to Elon Glucklich's article ("Controlling the threat," ODE, Apr. 23, 2007), I am also outraged by the increase in gun violence in America, especially the recent…

VT 4-16-07 064.jpg
One of the Hokie Birds wearing a maroon and orange ribbon.

ambulances April 16 2007 -B.jpg
The scene really told the story of what we were feeling at that moment, a blend of knowing something really bad had happened and that people we knew were going to be put into those ambulances but not knowing who they are....anticipation, fear,…

Pictures of the victims in April 16 were posted in the Squire Student Center.

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When I came around the corner, I was moved by the care given in this simple, but strong message.

By Felicia Daniels
Sun Staff Writer
Apr 19 2007

Brenda Scinto '87 was in her bedroom studying in 1983, when two freshman women, Young Hee Suh '87 and Erin Nieswand '87, were fatally shot in the room above her by 26-year-old Su Yong…

News satellite trucks at the Holtzman Alumni Center.

Photo courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

By Anita Pere
Staff writer

Baylor alumnus David Paul Cunningham, who in May threatened to destroy various buildings on Baylor's main campus, received three years of probation Thursday in a U.S. district court.

According to his attorney,…

an empty tissue box sits on board filled with sentiments from mourners.

Virginia Tech senior Alison St. Onge speaks at a student "lie-in" at the far end of the drillfield on April 16, 2008, A Day of Remembrance. Organized by St. Onge, the event was intended to memorialize the victims and protest easy access to firearms.…

Memorial stone for Ross A. Alameddine on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

By: Hannah McBride and Andrea Rodi
Posted: 4/25/07
Acknowledging cultural repercussions of last week's Virginia Tech shootings, Koreans at Boston University said they have been facing racial pressures as details have emerged about the killer,…

By: Sean Moroney
Posted: 5/17/07

Other than being two of the most-read playwrights in history, Sophocles and Shakespeare share another common thread-a knack for writing gruesome but also unforgettable scenes.

Likewise, Cho Seung-Hui, the…

A young man and woman - likely students - are locked in an extended embrace after the close of the dedication ceremony for the intermediate memorial. Photo taken August 19, 2007.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike…

One of the items on display at the Alumni Center Art Exhibit. On 4/16/08, as part of the Day of Remembrance observance, the Holtzman Alumni Center Museum displayed examples of art, crafts, quilts, and other memorabilia contributed since April 16,…

By: Susan McMillan
Issue date: 4/24/07
Section: News

Emory will establish an Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response to coordinate responses to catastrophic events, University officials announced Thursday. The office, CEPAR, will…

(PDF, 3 pages, 144KB)

Prepared by the Family Therapy Center at Virginia Tech

By Jeff Adair/Daily News columnist
Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:19 AM EDT

The responses seemed strange. A legislator in Washington, a student in Oklahoma, an insurance company owner in San Diego, and a government official and many others a continent…


Wednesday April 18, 2007
The Guardian

We have heard the arguments for years regarding the modern-day relevance or not of the second amendment, which engrains the right to bears arms into the American constitution and psyche, and they…
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