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April 20, 2007
By Jack Salisbury

The last two weeks have been rough on the world of sports. Meat-headed Don Imus, thinking he was being clever and funny, showed us that race and racism is still a paramount issue in today's America with his…

Recorded Thursday, April 19 (24 MB MP3)
We've decided to scrap tonight's planned show (about language post-Imus) in favor of a show about the visual reverberations of the Virginia Tech shooting. Our central prod came from the trusty barthjg,…

April 20, 2007
Opinion article
By Jackie Bernstein

It's time for a game of Funny/Not Funny. First: A joke overheard in the CoHo on Monday referencing the Virginia Tech massacre. Not Funny. No one laughed, and someone said, "Too soon, too…

Display of support painted on front window of Imaginations Toy and Furniture Company, South Main Street, Blacksburg. The poem reads:

If we had hinges in our heads
There wouldn't be no sin.
'Cause we could take the bad stuff out,

32 de colegi ai noştri, studenţi şi profesori, au fost ucişi într-o tragedie fără sens care a zguduit America şi lumea întreagă.

Noi, cei 37.000 de studenÅ£i ÅŸi profesori ai Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din IaÅŸi,…

Yale Daily News - Stage weapons ban reversed.pdf
Published: Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tyler Hill
Staff Reporter

After a weekend of national media coverage and student outcry, administrators decided Monday to rescind the ban on stage weapons that was enacted in the wake of the Virginia Tech…

Yale Daily News - Elis decry ban on stage weapon use.pdf
Published: Monday, April 23, 2007

Cullen Macbeth
Staff Reporter

Members of Yale's undergraduate theater community reacted with anger over the weekend to Dean of Student Affairs Betty Trachtenberg's decision to bar performance groups…

 Yale Daily News - Weapons to go offstage.pdf
Published: Friday, April 20, 2007

Courtney Long
Staff Reporter and Copy Editor

In the wake of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech in which a student killed 32 people, Dean of Student Affairs Betty Trachtenberg has limited the use of stage…

Yale Daily News - Memorials are a positive force after tragedy.pdf
Published: Thursday, May 3, 2007
Opinion articles

Danielle Tumminio
Guest Column

4/17/07. When students from Virginia Tech struggled to make sense of the horror that struck their campus last week, they erected a banner on their student center…

Tags: ,

 Yale Daily News - Psychoanalysis won’t fully explain VT killer.pdf
Published: Friday, April 27, 2007

Opinion articles

By: Carol Duh

My parents immigrated into this country in 1982. My parents told me a Taiwanese parable while I attended the same schools as Mike Pohle, one of the 32 victims of last…

Yale Daily News - Mental Hygiene weighs tough options.pdf
Published: Friday, April 27, 2007

Maggie Reid
Staff Reporter

In her sophomore year at Yale, Naasiha Siddiqui '07 found herself facing more problems than just the sophomore slump. Siddiqui was severely depressed, and when she checked into…

De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 21.04.2007

Focsaneanul Zvi Ben Dov, emigrat in Israel in urma cu jumatate de secol, ne-a transmis ieri amanunte despre funeraliile profesorului Liviu Librescu

Liviu Librescu, profesorul care si-a salvat studentii…

Un roman admirat in toata lumea

Liviu Librescu, profesorul de eroism

A supravietuit Holocaustului si comunismului, dar l-a ucis un student. Presa internationala scrie pe larg despre profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Librescu, care a…

Data publicarii: 21/04/2007

Profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Libreanu, ucis in masacrul de luni de la Virginia Tech, a fost inmormintat vineri in Israel.

Zeci de persoane au asistat la funeralii in cimitirul din orasul Raanana, din…

From the Editor

May/June 2007
by Kathrin Day Lassila '81

The tragedy of Virginia Tech is partly a tragedy of bureaucracy.

I don't mean the sort of complaint people usually make about bureaucracy -- too much paperwork and red tape. I…

[April 18] Romanian born Hero Liviu Librescu received Highest Award

BUCHAREST/ The President of Romania, Traian Basescu, has signed today, April the 18th the year to end, the decree concerning the post-mortem conferring…

[May 17] Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request

Miami, FL, US / (Press Release) The record for the World's "Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request" has just been accepted by the World Records Academy.

The new record…

Karen Harper

22 Apr 2007

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the…

By Tamara K. Nopper | 04.19.2007

April 17, 2007

Like many, I was glued to the television news yesterday, keeping updated about the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech University. I was trying to deal with my own disgust and sadness, especially…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I had nightmares about the VT massacre last night. It was on a two day delay. I knew that eventually the horror of what had happened would start to eat away at me. In part, I think my dreams haunted me precisely because…
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