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Justify it as you like, I cannot think of Cho Seung-Hui as anything other than a murderer. A lot has already been said about the subject, so apart from the links to his plays here[link], I won't be saying much.

The content of his plays being…

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By now the subject of Virginia Tech has been much publicized and probably hackneyed. We talk about lax gun control laws, wasted lives, disturbed young men and how we wish things like these would never happen again. In my previous entry[link], I…

April 23, 2007

Filed under: Feminism, Minnesota Monitor, Virginia Tech — Jeff Fecke @ 12:21 pm

It is human nature to try to figure out why bad things happen. Long ago, we blamed natural disasters on the capriciousness of the gods. The flood…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I have been percolating some ideas about how to better integrate technology into a crisis plan I am currently working on. My work with the Red Cross over the years has sharpened my senses and I do have some idea of how to…

Ryan "Stack" Clark's Hokie Stone memorial on the drillfield. The victim memorials continue to evolve, with new items, tributes, and flowers being added all the time. Photo taken Thursday, June 14.

What Jesus calls us to when we're most frightened.

Mark Galli | posted 4/17/2007 11:35AM

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews,…

News Brief

By staff writers
21 Apr 2007

Korean and American Korean church leaders are calling for "healing, reconciliation and peace" amid concerns that the Virginia Tech shootings by a South Korean native could lead to a backlash against…

Christian fellowship helps survivors of the Virginia Tech shootings deal with larger issues.

Deann Alford in Blacksburg, Virginia | posted 4/23/2007 09:50AM

Four former Columbine students worshiped with Virginia Tech's New Life Christian…

A sermon given on the Virginia Tech campus two weeks after the shootings.

Philip Yancey | posted 6/06/2007 05:31PM

We gather here still trying to make sense of what happened in Blacksburg, still trying to process the unprocessable. We come…

Virginia Tech's Korean Christians wrestle with the aftermath of a massacre.

Deann Alford | posted 6/06/2007 08:02AM

The alert that two students had been shot on campus blipped into Jong Nam Lee's e-mail inbox around 9:30 that fateful…

Campus life after the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Philip Yancey | posted 6/06/2007 08:01AM

"April is the cruellest month." When T. S. Eliot penned that opening line to "The Waste Land" in 1921, he had no idea how it would resound in modern…

During Tuesday's massacre at Virginia Tech, in the USA, a holocaust survivor with ties to Tiraspol was killed. Liviu Librescu had survived deportation from Romania to the killing fields of World War II's Transnistria. The territory was never…

Wooden plaque remembering and honoring nine students from Political Science and International Studies. It is currently displayed on the fifth floor of Major Williams Hall. Photo taken Monday, June 18.

Note: I found writing this piece to be a way of channeling my own anger at the massacre this morning. But I recognize that anger is only one part of the grief process. Please join me in praying for the families and friends of those…

News Brief

By staff writers
18 Apr 2007

World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia has expressed "deep sorrow" over "this new horror of random violence" that took place at Virginia Tech University on Monday 16…

17 April 2007

The talking heads keep talking about the "VT Massacre", not that it doesn't deserve attention, but this is too much attention. And VT is getting a bad wrap unfairly on one specific point: the notification of students on campus as…

Cho Seung-Hui's Hokie Stone memorial on the drillfield. Photo taken Thursday, June 14.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.

Construction of an intermediate memorial in front of Burruss Hall is currently underway. Photo taken from the middle of the drillfield on Sunday, June 17.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.

Construction of an intermediate memorial in front of Burruss Hall is currently underway. The semicircle of Hokie Stone victim memorials have been moved forward to make room for the renovations. Photo taken Thursday, June 14.

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Construction of an intermediate memorial in front of Burruss Hall is currently underway. The semicircle of Hokie Stone victim memorials have been moved forward to make room for the renovations. Photo taken Thursday, June 14.

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