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These 32 eggs were made by a Blacksburg resident and former hokie. This is the back side of the note that accompanied the eggs.

A close-up of the note that accompanied the 32 eggs.

Creado por Periodista Digital

El asesinato de 32 personas por un estudiante desequilibrado el pasado mes de abril en la Universidad Politécnica de Virginia, en Estados Unidos, ha propiciado que por primera vez en 10 años el sacrosanto…

Friday, May 18, 2007

UCLA and university police proved Wednesday that, far from their recent assurances of campus safety, their emergency response does not provide nearly enough immediate notification, leaving the campus unaware of possible…

Posted: 4/24/07

Many believed last week's Virginia Tech shootings would trigger immediate gun-control legislation from the Democrat-controlled Congress. But apparently, that won't be the case.

Rep. Michael Capuano seemed…

From the May 2007 Print Edition

Respectfully observing tragedy is never easy. Tempering a respect for the deceased and their families with a desire to draw upon lessons from the tragedy to prevent future occurrences is touchy. Indeed, allegations…

Aug. 20, 2007

Anytime a tragedy occurs we ask ourselves how it could have happened and how it can be prevented from ever happening again. So in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre, gun rights advocates began calling for the repealing of…

Aug. 20, 2007
Anytime a tragedy occurs we ask ourselves how it could have happened and how it can be prevented from ever happening again. So in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre, gun rights advocates began calling for the repealing of…

Posted: 4/17/07

On one of the most celebratory Mondays on Boston's calendar -- a day when students forget about classes and hit the streets for a citywide party -- the Virginia Tech campus was in shock and mourning.

In the…

Posted: 4/19/07

When a chilling multimedia package containing 27 video clips, 43 still pictures, a 23-page document and one audio clip composed by cold-blooded Virginia Tech murderer Cho Seung-Hui arrived on NBC's doorstep at…

Posted: 4/18/07
As expected, even before tears were able to dry, and before the reality of the Virginia Tech tragedy could really set in, officials began discovering details about what happened Monday morning.

Yesterday, Americans saw the…

April 27, 2007
By Editorial Board

It is a tough line to walk: simultaneously respecting those affected by tragedy and reassuring the community in a time of crisis. This year has seen numerous examples of the administration's sincere efforts…

Issue date: 4/20/07

As reality sets in after the shock of Monday's terrible shooting at Virginia Tech, another issue has already come up, which we all would do good to address immediately.

The issue, of course, is campus…

Posted: 4/17/07

Many news outlets are calling it "the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history." For us, yesterday's shootings at Virginia Tech were a horrible tragedy, and they're also a reminder for all of us to…

Posted: 4/20/07

Just days after the tragic shooting at Virginia Tech, NBC made the inappropriate decision to release videos of killer Cho Seung-Hui angrily ranting about the reasoning behind his crimes.

Cho had sent a…


On Thursday afternoon April 19, three days after the shootings at Virginia Tech, my wife and I put our dog in the car and headed south to visit our son, a senior engineering major at the…

Published: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:42 PM CDT

BLACKSBURG, VA. | Sara Marchese was studying alone in her dorm room lounge when the quiet Monday morning was shattered by an announcement over the Virginia…

지난 4ì›” 미국 역사상 최악의 총기참사를 겪었던 버지니아공대(버지니아텍)ê°€ 20일 참사의 상처를 치유하기 위해 분주히 움직이는 가운데 새 학년, 새 학기를 시작했다고 미 언론들이…

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지난 4월 미국 버지니아 공대에서 벌어진 총기 참사를 소재로 한 무용극이 이달 말 관객들을 만난다.

퍼포밍 아트그룹 칼미아(예술감독 정선혜)ê°€ 28-29일 천안시 봉서홀 무대에 올리는…

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