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By Kang Shin-who
Staff Reporter

Virginia Tech (VT) students didn't want to think about the massacre incident any more during the press conference with Korean media.

Eighteen students and two professors of the school visited Konkuk…

Karen Harper

22 Apr 2007

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the…

Memorial to nine student victims from Virginia Tech's Department of Political Science and International Studies Program.

By: Karl Spaulding
Posted: 5/7/07
When Florida liberalized its restrictive and disjointed system of concealed carry laws in 1987, many states followed suit. In each case, naysayers predicted everything from "blood in the streets" to "parking lot…

Is UM prepared for a similar emergency?
By: Karyn Meshbane // Assistant News Editor
Posted: 4/20/07
Monday morning's shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, the deadliest such incident in American history, has forced colleges and universities…

This day was supposed to be the best day of the year for me. It was my 14th birthday and when I found out about the shootings I did not care about my birthday. I was at school in Pennsylvania when the principal announced that there were shootings in…

BHE takes a look at campus security

By: Kate Davies
Posted: 4/20/07

The Board of Higher Education, during its meeting that was previously called to clarify the fine print on Massachusetts's policy toward allowing undocumented immigrants to…

By: Katherine Paster
Posted: 4/18/07
Another school shooting has claimed the lives of more young victims, and we are left wondering why so many of our peers had to die. In all, 33 people were killed at Virginia Tech on Monday in what officials are…

From the Editor

May/June 2007
by Kathrin Day Lassila '81

The tragedy of Virginia Tech is partly a tragedy of bureaucracy.

I don't mean the sort of complaint people usually make about bureaucracy -- too much paperwork and red tape. I…

Picture 068.jpg
Maroon and orange ribbons remained on trees on the drillfield over the Memorial Day weekend.

Students at Saint Louis University sent nearly a dozen message board to Tech in the weeks following the tragedy. SLU also hosted a memorial mass in honor of the Tech students and professors who died.

Over Memorial Day weekend flowers, ribbons and condolences continued to occupy the drillfield in front of Burruss Hall

This letter was part of one of the 32 memorials. The tragedy affected people of all ages.

Picture 060.jpg
The drillfield monuments drew many people over the Memorial Day weekend.

Saint Mary's reviews security protocols, does not anticipate changes changes

Katie Kohler

Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: News

Saint Mary's students may feel safe on their quiet residential Indiana campus, but until Monday, students in…

Text messages can notify police

By: Katy Doll, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/20/07

UNC officials are implementing a phone system that alerts campus police when students are in danger.

Beginning this fall, the University will offer the Rave…

April 24, 2007

Before April 16, the topic of stress at Baylor University could have provoked yawns in its predictability.

With final exams, social pressures and looming career goals as the ingredients, stress was…

April 24, 2007
Before April 16, the topic of stress at Baylor University could have provoked yawns in its predictability.

With final exams, social pressures and looming career goals as the ingredients, stress was an…

Staff Writer
Posted: 4/23/07

Colleges all across America have come together to show support to the Virginia Tech students after the shootings that occurred there on April 16.

Pitt organized a student support group photo outside…

April 18, 2007

I apologize in advance for the tone of this piece. I thoroughly appreciate the devastating gravity of the situation, and I extend my heartfelt condolences to those families and friends affected.

Blacksburg, Virginia.

Less than…
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