Browse Items (1884 total)

By: Hannah McBride and Andrea Rodi
Posted: 4/25/07
Acknowledging cultural repercussions of last week's Virginia Tech shootings, Koreans at Boston University said they have been facing racial pressures as details have emerged about the killer,…

By: Victoria Demaria
Posted: 4/26/07

More than a week after the worst shootings in U.S. history happened on the Virginia Tech campus, the Boston City Council decided yesterday to plan a future meeting to discuss emergency procedures at…

By: Lisa Davis
Posted: 4/27/07
Increasing communication in case of an emergency within the Boston University community will be a top priority for the BU Police Department for the next few months, officials said last night at a town hall meeting in…

Dear Saint Gertrude Family,

When I was asked to write a letter on behalf of our alumnae sisters at Virginia Tech, emotions at every level filled my heart and mind. There are no words to describe the events of April 16th nor are there appropriate…

By: Don Lucas
Posted: 4/30/07

Two weeks ago, I was shocked once again when a maniac took so many innocent lives at Virginia Tech. I focused on the many news events that followed this tragedy in my home state.

I reflected on the campus, wrapped…

Emergency notification system a main goal

By: Lisa Davis
Posted: 5/2/07

After Boston University felt the impact of several tragedies that brought into question the level of campus safety, officials say they will continue to review their safety…

It was 7am on Monday. Another week was starting at Virginia Tech. Then the first shots rang out. Within hours, 32 people lay dead and America was left trying to make sense of the carnage. Paul Harris reports from Blacksburg.

Sunday April 22,…

In order to express the grief, Virginia Tech lowered down the national flag in front of the Burrus Hall for weeks after the shooting.

Handmade memorials were placed on one of the corners of the drillfield.

People volunteered to set up a stone marked with "VT" for other people to light candles.

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After the vigil,people left candles and flowers on the drillfield to express their sadness and grief.

One week after the shooting,people set six flags on the lawn of the drillfield to mourn the victims.

(PDF, 36KB; full text copied below)


A Tribute to Professor G. V. Loganathan

Arun K. Deb, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Vice President (Ret.), Weston Solutions, Inc. E-mail:

April 16, 2007 started like any other day on…

Las clases se reanudan hoy, aunque el edificio donde fueron asesinadas 30 personas permanecerá cerrada el resto del semestre

Publicado por Servicios La Opinión

Blacksburg - La universidad de virginia tech, donde hace una…

Por Jesús Dávila
Publicado el 04-23-2007

San Juan — El féretro con los restos del ingeniero Juan Ramón Ortiz, muerto en la masacre de virginia tech el pasado día 16, fue transportado ayer sábado a Puerto Rico, pero su…

Actividades en honor a los fallecidos marcan el regreso a virginia tech

Publicado por María Luisa Azpiazu

Washington, D.C — Mucho dolor, impresionantes minutos de silencio y 32 campanadas en memoria de las víctimas de…

Publicado por La Raza Newspaper

Washington, D.C. (EFE).— Un comité creado por el presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, para estudiar la matanza en la Universidad virginia tech recomendó ayer controlar mejor a las "personas…

View of the newly finished center of the intermediate memorial, on the drillfield in front of Burruss Hall. Hokie stones - one for each victim - are arranged in an arc. At the time of this photo, volunteers and staff members were cleaning up the…

Daisies and mementos lay on the ground near the intermediate memorial construction site, on the drillfield in front of Burruss Hall. At the time of this photo, volunteers and staff members were cleaning up the area, moving some items to storage and…

View of the intermediate memorial in front of Burruss Hall. In the foreground lay a pile of memento items. At the time of this photo, staff and volunteers - including the student shown in this photo - were cleaning up the site, moving some items to…
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