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VT tragedy requires look at gun control

For too long this country has refused to take a realistic approach to gun control legislation, often pointing to the debatable phrasing of the Second Amendment. This negligence has led to the horrifying…

By:Christopher Rodgers
Posted: 4/19/07

Guns, when put in the right hands, can be a good thing

This mass murder at Virginia Tech is a perfect example of how important an armed populace can be. Before you fly off the cuff, I am not promoting…

By:Paul Morrow
Posted: 4/20/07

As details regarding Monday's tragic shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute continue to emerge, and in particular, information concerning the of the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui, I want to urge all Miami…

Monday, April 23, 2007

I am offended and embarrassed by the editorial cartoon featured on April 18 concerning the shootings at Virginia Tech.

It is insulting and irresponsible to poke fun at such a tragic event that has affected college…

Monday's tragic shooting at Virginia Tech is the kind of event that provokes a nationwide outpouring of support, sympathy and questions - questions about the killer, his motives and what could have been done to prevent 33 students from needlessly…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The tragic event that took place at Virginia Tech on Monday raises many questions in students' minds: How safe are we? What measures are in place to keep us safe from harm while we're in class, in our dorms, or…

This picture was painted by Marilyn Rogge and sent without explanation to VT. Steven Estrada, formerly of Prevail Archives, said of the painting, "It has become the symbol of letting go."

By Salah Obeid
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Jun 8, 2007, 00:27

There isn't room enough on the calendar to honor every American hero, but Aug. 16, the birthday of one such hero, is a day teachers and others who cherish education…

Memorial stone of Liviu Librescu on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

This wood carving was one of four items hanging outside of the Perspective Gallery in Squires. It was created by an artist from Dickerson County, Virginia to honor Professor Librescu. It is made from the same kind of curly maple used for Gibson…

During the dedication ceremony, victims' friends and family pick up pieces of hokie stone from the new intermediate memorial. These stones were taken from the original memorial that sprang up on this same site after the events of April 16. After…

Attendees light candles at the vigil for Northern Illinois University.

Photo taken February 18, 2008.

President 183.jpg
This photo captured Liviu Librescu's hokie stone.

Photo Courtesy of Garry Thompson

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Items left at the memorial plaque of Liviu Librescu on the drillfield. Photo taken on 5-1-07.

Photo by Teri H. Hoover.

A community in tears said its goodbye on Thursday from one of its members, professor Liviu Librescu, killed in the Virginia Tech massacre, helping his students flee to safety in an act of heroism.

A moving service was held for Librescu in New…

Un roman admirat in toata lumea

Liviu Librescu, profesorul de eroism

A supravietuit Holocaustului si comunismului, dar l-a ucis un student. Presa internationala scrie pe larg despre profesorul israelian de origine romana Liviu Librescu, care a…

By: Yoni Noble
Posted: 5/7/07

April 16th, 2007, the awful day when a disturbed student killed 32 people at Virginia Tech, will be forever etched in the Jewish consciousness. Liviu Librescu, professor of aeronautical engineering and a survivor of…

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Several individuals left personal notes at Liviu Librescu's Hokie Stone.

Photo courtesy of Chad Newswander

By John Hilliard/Daily News staff
Wed Apr 18, 2007, 12:07 AM EDT

After Monday's Virginia Tech massacre, several area colleges and police departments expect to take a closer look at their plans to grapple with a future…

By Peter Reuell/Daily News staff
The MetroWest Daily News
Posted Apr 16, 2008 @ 12:35 AM


A year after the shooting massacre that left 33 people dead at Virginia Tech, security remains a concern on local college campuses.

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