Browse Items (1884 total)

By: Jake Meador / Freshman English major
Posted: 4/25/07
The heroes of the Protestant Reformation had an old saying that man is simultaneously both saint and sinner, and the truth of this statement is impossible to argue. In the 20th century alone…

By: Ryan Norman
Posted: 4/25/07
Events such as the Virginia Tech shooting can be hard on some students. Besides psychological services, students seeking counseling can also find help at campus ministries.

Cornerstone Church at the University of…

By: Adam Templeton
Posted: 4/26/07
The recent shootings at Virginia Tech have caused many to worry about a backlash against South Korean students.

However, Korean students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln say acts of discrimination have not…

By: Jake Meador / Freshman English major
Posted: 4/30/07
When I first sat down to write my column after the massacre at Virginia Tech on April 16, my thoughts were two-fold: First, to write a column advocating stricter gun control. Second, to write…

By: Andy Boyle
Posted: 4/30/07
Bomb threats, drunken drivers, pot smokers and thieves.

Those are just of the few problems university police dealt with during the past year.

Capt. Carl Oestmann of University Police said he thinks major…

By: Jay Carlson / Junior electrical engineering and mathematics major
Posted: 8/6/07
While watching the evening news this week, we heard brilliant accounts of heroism in response to the Interstate 35W bridge collapse into the Mississippi River.…

By: Ryan Norman
Posted: 8/23/07
With the looming arrival of the fall semester at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Police are preparing for the increased number of on-campus students.

University Police are hoping to stay ahead of…

By:Editorial Staff
Posted: 8/29/07

This summer, University Police, in cooperation with Information Services and University Communications, implemented a new software system called UNLAlert, most likely in response to the April shootings at…

Consolation during the August 19th memorial dedication

Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech
April 16, 2007

Report of the Review Panel

Presented to

Governor Kaine
Commonwealth of Virginia
August 2007

Cover (pdf, 224kb)

Inside Cover (pdf, 39kb)

Table of Contents (pdf, 52kb)


As Tulane officials rethink security policies, some Tulane students express personal grief over Monday's events
By: Marta Dehmlow
Posted: 4/20/07

Students at Virginia Tech and all over the nation will remember April 16 as a day that…

In wake of tragedy, nation is encouraged to focus on heroic victims of school shooting

By: Megan Cox
Posted: 4/20/07

A great atrocity occurred in Blacksburg on the morning of April 16. Cho Seung-Hui, a Korean-born English major at Virginia…

By Larry Hincker

BLACKSBURG, Va., August 22, 2007 -- On May 9, 2007, Virginia Tech President Charles Steger directed three internal reviews in the wake of the April 16 tragedy on the Virginia Tech campus. He directed the chairs "to look at…

(PDF, 172KB; Full text below.)

Kevin Granata, PhD (December 29, 1961-April 16, 2007)

Marras, William S. PhD; Stokes, Ian A. F. PhD; Abel, Mark F. MD

Address correspondence to William S. Marras, PhD, E-mail:; Ian…

(PDF, 30KB; Full text below.)


Reflections on a Mass Homicide

Jimmy Lee,1 MBBS, MMed (Psych), Tih-Shih Lee,1,2 MD, PhD, FRCP (C), Beng-Yeong Ng,1 MBBS, MMed (Psych), FAMS

1 Department of Psychiatry, Singapore General Hospital,…

Stanley Evans, Contributing Reporter

Students and faculty, including senior administration, formed a maroon "V" and an orange "T" on Freiberger Field last Friday to show their support for the Virginia Tech community. The turnout included various…

By Lisa Kunkel
Statesman Staff Reporter

Horrific school shootings such as the Virginia Tech massacre leave people wondering what can possibly drive an individual to such extreme measures.

Seung-Hui Cho took the lives of 33 people including…

Our View is prepared by the Editorial Board which operates independently from the newsroom.

By The Editorial Board

On April 20, 1999, the United States watched in horror as the shootings at Columbine High School unfolded and sparked a series…

By Joel Runck
Statesman Staff Reporter

In light of the massacre at Virginia Tech on April 16, security protocols are being reevaluated and modified at campuses nationwide.

UMD is also devising and implementing measures to improve security and…

By John Williams

"A 1st Sergeant handed me an ammo box of 240 rounds: the blood-stained rounds that my best friend had been using when he was shot and killed in an ambush, on a patrol that he wasn't supposed to be on, one day after we were…
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