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This quilt was made by a Sioux tribe woman. Before it left the reservation, it was blessed by two elders from the Crow and Cheyenne tribes. Boys from the St. Labre School performed a Crow ceremony called "Wiping The Tears", which is part of a…

In wake of tragedy, nation is encouraged to focus on heroic victims of school shooting

By: Megan Cox
Posted: 4/20/07

A great atrocity occurred in Blacksburg on the morning of April 16. Cho Seung-Hui, a Korean-born English major at Virginia…

Artist's Comments


Lay me on the ground
Fly me in the sky
Show me where to look
Tell me what will I find...
Teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
Tell me will love be…

 Yale Daily News - Psychoanalysis won’t fully explain VT killer.pdf
Published: Friday, April 27, 2007

Opinion articles

By: Carol Duh

My parents immigrated into this country in 1982. My parents told me a Taiwanese parable while I attended the same schools as Mike Pohle, one of the 32 victims of last…

By: Anthony Galanos
Posted: 4/20/07

The media coverage of the tragedy at Virginia Tech is rewarding insanity and complicating grief. But there are 32 families, and an entire university who are grieving. Not sad, not upset, not disgruntled... but…

Tags: , ,

By: Dave Arey
Posted: 4/25/07
Hours after the Virginia Tech shootings, people were already looking for something to blame.

Fox News had on lawyer and "school shootings expert" Jack Thompson, an infamous critic of video games. He gave the dubious…


Beginning today and lasting at least through the end of the semester, students will no longer work as card-swipers at the front desks of on-campus residences and Lerner Hall.

The change, announced yesterday, came in…

By: Sergio Hernandez
Posted: 4/20/07

The University Senate adjourned for the academic year yesterday after meeting to address a number of campus-wide issues including a report on NYU's emergency preparedness in the wake of Monday's…

Memorial stone of Julia Kathleen Pryde on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:50:15 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Provost Update September 10, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007


On behalf of President Charles Steger, I have convened and will chair an…

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:25:23 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Provost Update August 17, 2007

August 17, 2007
Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues:

You are probably noticing that the students are moving back to…

Two guards from the Corps of Cadets stand by a special anniversary candle and wreath at the memorial on 4/16/08, A Day of Remembrance, while photographers capture the scene.

Photo by Kevin Cupp.



Front and back of the program for April 16th Memorial Dedication, August 19, 2007. The text on the program reads:

"In the hours following the April 16 tragedy, the student-driven volunteer organization Hokies United placed 32 Hokie Stones on the…

Christopher James Bishop, known as Jamie in his five years at UNC, was killed Monday in the tragedy that left 33 dead on the campus of Virginia Tech. He was 35.

Bishop worked as an academic technology liaison at UNC from 2000 until 2005 with the…

Vineri, 20 Aprilie 2007

De ieri, el este Cetatean de Onoare - post mortem, al municipiului
Cea mai oribila crima savarsita vreodata intr-un campus universitar din SUA - dupa cum a fost caracterizat atacul armat de la Universitatea Virginia Tech,…

De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 18.04.2007

Profesorul Liviu Librescu, impuscat mortal intr-un amfiteatru al Universitatii Virginia Tech din SUA, este originar din Focsani, unde a trait pina la 14 ani. De asemenea, sotia regretatului profesor este…

Data: Wednesday, April 18 @ 05:39:57 EDT
Topic: sa pastram ce avem mai bun

Despre profesorul Liviu Librescu s-a spus ca a fost un adevarat erou. Profesor de aeronautica la Universitatea Tehnica din statul american Virginia, dascalul a murit dupa…

By Sam Fox Krauss
Princetonian Staff Writer

Students who kill their classmates are motivated by a desire to change their reputation, Wilson School professor Katherine Newman and politics professor Keith Whittington told about 50 students and…

By: Alex Sanders
Posted: 4/25/07
Once the chaos at Virginia Tech subsided, students began to seek answers. Questions rapidly arose after authorities discovered Cho Seung-Hui was the cause of the tragedy. Of course, one of the first questions was,…

A sign on the door of Virginia Tech's War Memorial Chapel reads: "Please respect the privacy of individuals. No cameras or recording devices beyond this point." Photo taken the afternoon of April 16, 2008, A Day of Remembrance.

Photo by…
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