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By Blair Socci
Thursday, April 19, 2007

In the aftermath of the shootings that occurred at Virginia Tech earlier this week, the University of California is now re-evaluating its own security policies.

Authorities have been quick to assure the…

Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section
Christian Alexandersen, Senior Staff Writer

As I write this column, I, like most people in the world, am in disbelief of the terrible shootings that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus that…

Is UM prepared for a similar emergency?
By: Karyn Meshbane // Assistant News Editor
Posted: 4/20/07
Monday morning's shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, the deadliest such incident in American history, has forced colleges and universities…

By: Joe Bialek
Posted: 5/2/07

The shooting crisis at Virginia Tech has once again sparked the debate about gun control. The second amendment of the United States Constitution states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a…

By: Danny Mistarz
Posted: 4/24/07
After the tragic events that took place at Virginia Tech April 16, the anti-Second Amendment crowd has once again reared its ugly head. The usual claims of guns causing violence and the necessity to ban personal…

By: Alexander Trowbridge, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/25/07

The shooting at Virginia Tech last week put the gun control issue back in the national public forum.

While Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine dismissed taking political advantage of the incident as…

On the morning of April 16 I was in my office at George Mason University recording a podcast with two colleagues. When we came out of our recording session, I sat down to check my email and saw on the news feed that there had been a shooting at…

Memorial stone of Leslie Geraldine Sherman on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


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Memorial stone of Waleed Mohamed Shaalan on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


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I was in his playwriting class last fall. I was always a quiet guy myself, not really making too many friends during my years at Virginia Tech. On a couple of occasions, we'd end up sitting close to each other. I had always thought that Cho was a…

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Abril 24, 2007

Tras una ceremonia en la que nadie quiso hablar de la matanza que cobró su vida, el estudiante puertorriqueño de la Universidad Virginia Tech Juan Ramón Ortiz Ortiz fue sepultado este martes en un funeral…

One of the items on display at the Alumni Center Art Exhibit. On 4/16/08, as part of the Day of Remembrance observance, the Holtzman Alumni Center Museum displayed examples of art, crafts, quilts, and other memorabilia contributed since April 16,…

Wednesday April 18 2007

By Mark Tran / USA 04:39pm

Like others around the world, South Koreans have reacted with horror to the killings at Virginia Tech university, but they are also nervous about a possible backlash against the large Korean…

By: Carey Elizabeth White, Contributing Writer,
Posted: 4/18/07
Student Senate held a moment of silence for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech shooting and discussed campus safety yesterday in the second to last meeting of…

As a graduate of Virginia Tech, I wanted to do something positive in response to the recent tragedy. My web company ( will donate ALL PROCEEDs for the rest of April to the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. Go…


Guest commentary
By: Lach R. Liwer |
Issue date: 4/23/07 Section: Commentary

This week we witnessed a brutal act of violence directed randomly at unsuspecting students of Virginia Tech University. Seung-Hui Cho, a VT student, shot nearly 45…

The media need our help to shift their focus from murderers and violence to the compassionate healing journeys of victims' families:

After the Virginia Tech tragedy, the president of the American Psychiatric Association, Pedro Ruiz, wrote an…

By Kim Heung-sook

``We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness ... We will prevail...'' _ Nikki Giovanni, Virginia Tech Distinguished Professor, poet, activist.

Ten days have passed…

By: Zak Kazzaz
Posted: 4/18/07
Two days after the Monday massacre at Virginia Tech, students nationwide remained on edge Tuesday as more details of the tragedy emerged and additional security threats occurred on several other college campuses.


Staff Editorial
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: Viewpoint

There are still plenty of questions surrounding what happened Monday at Virginia Tech.

But one thing that isn't up for discussion is that Notre Dame should have a plan in case the…
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