Browse Items (1884 total)

By:Editorial Staff
Posted: 8/29/07

This summer, University Police, in cooperation with Information Services and University Communications, implemented a new software system called UNLAlert, most likely in response to the April shootings at…

By:Editorial Board
Posted: 4/17/07

On Monday April 16, 32 Virginia Tech students were killed in a tragic shooting incident. The Miami Student editorial board is shocked and deeply saddened by this abhorrent act, and our thoughts and prayers go…

Posted: 4/19/07

When news of the Virginia Tech massacre broke Monday, to say that students across the country were on edge is an understatement. The horror and randomness of the event forced students to take a step back and examine…

Posted: 4/17/07

Horrified silence saturated campuses across the country yesterday, as the death toll at Virginia Tech climbed to at least 32 fellow students. The deadliest mass shooting in United States history can be described only as…

Apr 17 2007

Yesterday marked one of the darkest days in United States history, as the campus of Virginia Tech collapsed to the tune of gunshots, cries and panic. The morning's horrific aftermath was broadcast on every major news…

Emory's Campus No Place For Guns
Issue date: 5/1/07
Section: Editorials

The recent controversy concerning funding for a College Republicans' trip to a shooting range has brought the issues of gun control and campus safety to the…

Published on Friday, April 20, 2007

There is no easy answer to the question, What could have prevented the Virginia Tech massacre? Perhaps nothing could have been done. However, gun violence occurs every day…


On Monday morning, 32 students at Virginia Tech were killed and about 30 others injured by a shooting at the hands of a fellow student. This tragedy raises questions about the nature of events like this and what…


Beginning today and lasting at least through the end of the semester, students will no longer work as card-swipers at the front desks of on-campus residences and Lerner Hall.

The change, announced yesterday, came in…

Issue Date:Wednesday April 18, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

There are still many questions left for the Blacksburg, Va., community as police and federal agents continue to investigate the gunman's trail.

But there is one startling…

ssue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

By Monday afternoon, the nation was shocked by the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech.

At least 32 people were killed and more than 20 were left wounded in the nation's…

Issue Date:Monday October 15, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

Six months after the tragedy at Virginia Tech, West Virginia University and others institutions across the country have taken positive steps to reevaluate their security approaches,…

Issue Date:Friday August 31, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

West Virginia University, like many colleges around the country, has been dealing with a ripple effect of concern from faculty, students and parents alike in regards to the shooting…

Staff Editorial
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: Viewpoint

There are still plenty of questions surrounding what happened Monday at Virginia Tech.

But one thing that isn't up for discussion is that Notre Dame should have a plan in case the…

Community members criticize level of communication during Wednesday's incident

By Edward Truong
Friday, May 18, 2007

Some students and staff expressed concern that the university did not communicate quickly enough with the community…

News Brief

By staff writers
17 Apr 2007

Expressing the sorrow of many Christians in the US at yesterday's killings in Virginia, the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches USA (NCC USA) has also renewed the NCC's call for…

News Brief

By staff writers
18 Apr 2007

World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia has expressed "deep sorrow" over "this new horror of random violence" that took place at Virginia Tech University on Monday 16…

News Brief

By staff writers
21 Apr 2007

Korean and American Korean church leaders are calling for "healing, reconciliation and peace" amid concerns that the Virginia Tech shootings by a South Korean native could lead to a backlash against…

Media's responses to Virginia Tech shootings spur discussion about ethnicity, mental health, violence

By Eli Rosenberg
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The issues of ethnicity, mental health, and violence in American society were some of the key…

By Elise Ma
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Since last week's shootings at Virginia Tech, officials at UCLA's Student Psychological Services have received many more calls than usual from people reporting concerns about other students.

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