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中新网布莱克斯堡4月19日电 题:误冲禁区被捕三小时,中国学生崔少卓体验完全不同枪案现场


This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured outside the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

作者:萧方  来源于:凤凰周刊  发布时间:2007-6-20…

Posted: 8/6/07
I recently received an e-mail from a graduate student at Virginia Tech. She asked me if I would be willing to release any articles that The California Aggie had written on the school's tragedy in April to be part of… 2007-04-18 16:42:35

BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao Wednesday criticized some U.S. media's irresponsible reports on the Virginia Tech shooting before finding out the truth,…

Friday, May 18, 2007

UCLA and university police proved Wednesday that, far from their recent assurances of campus safety, their emergency response does not provide nearly enough immediate notification, leaving the campus unaware of possible…

Aug. 20, 2007
Anytime a tragedy occurs we ask ourselves how it could have happened and how it can be prevented from ever happening again. So in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre, gun rights advocates began calling for the repealing of…

April 27, 2007
By Editorial Board

It is a tough line to walk: simultaneously respecting those affected by tragedy and reassuring the community in a time of crisis. This year has seen numerous examples of the administration's sincere efforts…

More gun control doesn't infringe on right to bear arms

By: Editorial Board
Posted: 4/23/07

It took little time for the journalists and political pundits to start talking gun control.

This editorial is not just about last week's…

By: Editorial Board
Posted: 4/19/07

With the tragedy that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus on Monday we are forced to ask hard questions about the safety of students here at UR. Surely, as statistics show, we live on a very safe campus, even…

Our View is prepared by the Editorial Board which operates independently from the newsroom.

By The Editorial Board

On April 20, 1999, the United States watched in horror as the shootings at Columbine High School unfolded and sparked a series…
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