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Letters to the Editor
The forest for the trees

Tragedy struck at Virginia Tech Monday. Unfortunately, the sadness of events is not only in the actions themselves, but also in the reactions. I want to assert that we still need to keep an eye on…


John Monahan and Jeffrey Swanson
Sunday April 22, 2007
The Observer

One of the largest mass killings in American history was carried out last Monday at the hands of a 23-year-old university student with mental illness. The…

A banner from Anderson University, on display in front of Burruss Hall, reads "We are all Hokies today as we share in your grief, may God grant you strength for the dark days ahead, solace for your pain and suffering, and courage for a brighter…

Ballons II.jpg
A ceremony held on the first day of class after the tragedy in which one balloon is released for each victim.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Roger Gupta

Archives & Social Studies: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Vol. 2, no. 1 (March 2008) 253

The April 16 Archive: A Historiography in the Age of the New Media

Gooyong Kim


This paper examines how historiography has been…

Note: I found writing this piece to be a way of channeling my own anger at the massacre this morning. But I recognize that anger is only one part of the grief process. Please join me in praying for the families and friends of those…

Fox News' anchor Shepard Smith reports from campus.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. _ For ethnic Koreans, hearing that the Virginia Tech killer was also a Korean was shocking in an almost physical way. Although I can speak only for myself, I feel a primeval sense of horror that someone connected to me by ethnicity…

New bill consistent, sound policy

Posted: 5/7/07

Following the Virginia Tech incident, governments have examined many of the legal practices for the sale of firearms. Some of the proposals have come under attack by gun advocacy…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue (this is the second page). I knew I was recording history,…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue (this is the second page). I knew I was recording history,…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue. I knew I was recording history, but after looking at so…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue. I knew I was recording history, but after looking at so…

(April 19, 2007)

Teddy bear and wreath at War Memorial.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

(April 19, 2007)

Teddy bear on War Memorial column/statue.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

The following article was originally published at

It is also available at



Shootings stun campus

By: Michael Hippchen

(11:50 a.m., April 16) While this morning's shootings on Virginia Tech's campus may have come to an end, with one shooter apparently have been captured, things are far from returning to…

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem ----April 21...... "Daddy, tell me the story again," said the 6-year-old girl. "Tell me how he saved the big children."

It had been hours earlier in this pristine, palm tree lined Ra'anana…

Ewen MacAskill
Wednesday April 18, 2007
The Guardian

A survivor of the Holocaust died trying to save his students from the Virginia Tech gunman, it emerged yesterday.
Liviu Librescu, 76, who survived the Nazi killings, later escaped from…

By: Alaina Busch
Posted: 4/30/07
Representatives from Ohio's colleges and universities will meet today as part of a statewide effort to address campus security issues and concerns.

Today's meeting is the first for the Campus Security…
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