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By Galen Moore/Daily News staff
Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:55 AM EDT

WESTBOROUGH - Andrew Dyche is safe, but for 30 terrifying minutes Monday his mother, Amy Belue, didn't know it.

Dyche, a 2003 graduate of Westborough High School, will…

posted 5.01.07

Otto Wahl, Ph.D., University of Hartford

The tragic death of 33 students at Virginia Tech has shocked and saddened us all. Given the mental health aspects of the situation, it is not surprising that there has been much in the…

ERD provides a $20,000 grant for counseling

By Christie M. Wills

They're calling it a "Hokie Cry."

It's described as a wave of emotion that washes over people in the Virginia Tech community, sometimes out of the blue, sometimes when…

By Dinah Cardin/
GateHouse News Service
Fri Jul 13, 2007, 12:29 PM EDT

Salem -

Paducah. Jonesboro. Columbine. They may sound like destinations toured by a small garage band, but if we reach back in memory, they are actually…

By Nicole Haley/Daily News staff
Tue Apr 17, 2007, 01:04 AM EDT

NO DATA - The news seemed surreal for anyone who turned on the television yesterday. Even anchors on the major news networks reported asking law enforcement officials to repeat…

By Danielle Williamson/Daily News staff
Tue Apr 17, 2007, 12:07 AM EDT

NO DATA - For Bill Saam, the slaughter yesterday at his alma mater resurrected the shock, sadness and anger he felt when terrorists attacked the World Trade…

Publicado por La bloguera en Mayo 2, 2007 04:24 PM

La peor masacre escolar en la historia de Estados Unidos, que dejó un saldo de 33 muertos en la Universidad de Virginia Tech, ha generado más interrogantes que respuestas, y mientras la nación…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A nutcase shot 32 people and himself in Virginia tech. He was a loner, was obsessed with violence, and left some notes blaming "rich kids" and "debauchery" (that is, disapproved of other people having more money and…

Tags: ,

By Keith Boykin, in politics
Tuesday, April 17 2007, 10:24AM

The news was gruesome and alarming. Reuters reported that at least 30 people were shot yesterday in a deadly gun rampage that rocked a city once known for its safety and scholarship. …

Abril 24, 2007

Tras una ceremonia en la que nadie quiso hablar de la matanza que cobró su vida, el estudiante puertorriqueño de la Universidad Virginia Tech Juan Ramón Ortiz Ortiz fue sepultado este martes en un funeral…

Placa donada por la organización de estudiantes Mexicanos en Virginia Tech y el Consulado Mexicano en Washington, DC. Esta placa fue entregada el pasado 11 de mayo del 2007 en señal de respeto y cariño hacia las victimas que fallecieron en los…

中新网布莱克斯堡4月19日电 题:误冲禁区被捕三小时,中国学生崔少卓体验完全不同枪案现场


UPDATED: 11:01, April 18, 2007

Foreign politicians and media once again attacked America's "gun culture" yesterday.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said tough legislation introduced after a mass shooting in Tasmania in 1996 had…

The Foreign Ministry yesterday criticized some US media for "irresponsible reports" claiming that the killer in the Virginia Tech shootings was Chinese.

Spokesman Liu Jianchao said it was a terrible mistake and a violation of professional ethics…

Many Americans have once again been plunged into terror since a gunman massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern US history, and a string of endless media reports, the gunman's cruel, merciless confessions…

Creado por Luis Guerrero Ortiz
Lima, 22 de Abril de 2007 3:00 PM

Los hechos son por todos conocidos. Cho Seung-Hui, un estudiante sudcoreano de 23 años, entró el lunes 16 de abril en los dormitorios de la Universidad Virginia Tech, en Estados…

Creado por Carlos Albaladejo
18 de Abril del 2007 10:44 am

Es la frase más repetida en las últimas horas en el sector educativo norteamericano. La triste noticia de la matanza provocada por un estudiante asiático en la universidad de…
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