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A memorial to the engineering students and professors in the lobby of Patton Hall.

My youngest son, Travis Miller graduated from Virginia Tech in 2006, and my experiences goe back gto my early teens. As a woman, a Mom, and a researcher, the events of April 16, 2007, grabbed my full attention, and still do.

You see, since 1993, I…

Creado por Gustavo D. Perednik
El catoblepas - numero 64 - Junio 2007 - pagina 5

Sobre los defensores selectivos de derechos humanos, que son permisivos sólo con dictaduras.

Borges advertía de no convertir la ética en una rama de la…

A closer look at the epitaphs left by the students on the first memorial to the victims of the shooting.

Photo courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

More message from the first memorial...

Photo courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

More messages...

Photo courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

026(2) Erin Nicole Peterson.jpg
Items left at the memorial plaque of Erin Peterson on the drillfield. Photo taken on 5-1-07.

Photo by Teri H. Hoover.

026(3) Erin Nicole Peterson.jpg
A letter left at the memorial plaque of Erin Peterson on the drillfield. Photo taken on 5-1-07.

Photo by Teri H. Hoover.

President 185.jpg
This photo captured Erin Peterson's hokie stone.

Photo Courtesy of Garry Thompson

Erin Nicole Peterson's etched hokie stone at the memorial on the drillfield, surrounded by flowers and notes. The photo was taken on Monday, August 20, 2007, the first day of Fall 2007 classes. The memorial had been dedicated the previous…

18 Aprilie 2007
Livia Cimpoeru, Eugenia Mihalcea

Masacrul produs luni la Universitatea americana Virginia Tech din Blacksburg ar fi putut avea un bilant si mai tragic daca nu ar fi existat oameni ca Liviu Librescu.

America retraieste in…

Corespondenta din SUA

O comunitate indurerata si-a luat ramas bun de la unul dintre membrii sai, ucis in masacrul de la Universitatea Virginia Tech. Profesorul Liviu Librescu, cel care si-a dat viata pentru a-si salva studentii, a avut parte de o…

Korean community reacts to blame and guilt following massacre
April 24, 2007
By Aram Hur

In the aftermath of last week's Virginia Tech massacre, the national Korean-American community has reportedly suffered a backlash similar to that…

버지니아텍 총격 사건의 생생한 현장을 카메라에 담아 전 세계에 타전한 주인공이 재미동포 2세 사진기자로 밝혀졌다.

26일 미주중앙일보에 따르면 특종 사진을 찍은 주인공은…

A sign posted outside Blacksburg's First Church of God reads: "Thank you to our
everyday heroes."
Photo taken April 16, 2008, A Day of Remembrance.

Photo by Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative…

EMS director outlines city's disaster-response system

By: Evelyn Ratigan
Posted: 4/20/07

As the efficiency of the emergency response system at Virginia Tech faces scrutiny, with critics saying the school was slow to notify its members of…

BHE takes a look at campus security

By: Kate Davies
Posted: 4/20/07

The Board of Higher Education, during its meeting that was previously called to clarify the fine print on Massachusetts's policy toward allowing undocumented immigrants to…

Promotional poster for Yankees vs. Hokies baseball game.

Photo by Rachel VanPelt


Original Source:

미국 최악의 총기 참사의 용의자가 한국교포 학생인 조승희(23) 씨로 밝혀지면서 인터넷에서 희생자들을 추도하는 물결이 퍼지고 있다.

참사가 벌어진 지 하루가 18일 일부 네티즌들을…


By: Johnny Perez
Posted: 4/18/07
As the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute awoke to a changed world this morning, new developments emerged about the alleged gunman whose shooting spree claimed 33 lives, including his own.

His name was…
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