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by Hart Fowler

Photos by Christina O'Connor

From concept to design to action, Peter Sforza was the man behind the scenes orchestrating Virginia Tech's message of gratitude, making this Thanksgiving one of positive…

the stones.jpg
These are part of the 32 stones for the victims near Burruss Hall.

Our View is prepared by the Editorial Board which operates independently from the newsroom.

By The Editorial Board

On April 20, 1999, the United States watched in horror as the shootings at Columbine High School unfolded and sparked a series…

Archived with permission of the creator.

Original Source: Slowpoke Comics by Jen Sorensen

More gun control doesn't infringe on right to bear arms

By: Editorial Board
Posted: 4/23/07

It took little time for the journalists and political pundits to start talking gun control.

This editorial is not just about last week's…

April 18, 2007

[Update: I stand by my piece, which is mostly a bunch of questions, rather than statements linking race and culture in the explanative way it is being taken. I merely pointed out that as an American working deeply in the education…

Posted April 17th, 2007 - 15:39PM by Steve Fox

Well, it didn't take long. One of my students at the University of Maryland has a brother who attends Virginia Tech and lost two friends yesterday. She started to break down as she told me she…

Messenger Post Columnist
Posted: Apr 23, 01:00 PM EDT

What a difference a weekend makes.

Last Friday, the big story was brand new man of leisure Don Imus, who was ousted from his nationally syndicated radio program after…

By Uwe E. Reinhardt
Princetonian Columnist

Students gathered in Richardson Auditorium last night for a service in memory of the victims of Monday's shooting at Virginia Tech," reported The Daily Princetonian on April 18. A day earlier,…

Motorcade II.jpg
The presidential motorcade arrives at the convocation.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs 2.0

The presidential motorcade arrives at the convocation.

Original source:

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs 2.0

Shortly after 8 AM on Monday, August 20 - the first day of classes - a group of cadets makes their way across a largely empty drillfield. The intermediate memorial, visible center right, was dedicated the previous day. The large tent used for the…

The Moon-After,
Virginia Tech Memorial

(2007) 40"x30" oil on canvas

It is the first time the full moon is observed after the massacre of Virginia Tech. For many, the moon will never look the same again.

This is a quest to extract the…

When the events of April 16 happened, I was sitting in school, not aware of what was going on. As soon as I got to my eighth period class, which was English 4 with Mr. Lloyd, I sat down and was looking for my pen. A friend of mine walked into class…

It was 7am on Monday. Another week was starting at Virginia Tech. Then the first shots rang out. Within hours, 32 people lay dead and America was left trying to make sense of the carnage. Paul Harris reports from Blacksburg.

Sunday April 22,…

The post title isn't an exact quote (because it would've been damn hard taking notes while trying to hold a lit candle (and, more importantly, given the windy conditions this evening, keeping it lit) from the remarks of NIU President John G.…

Waco, TX. Oklahoma City, OK. Columbine, CO. Blacksburg, VA.

Fifteen years ago, a person could have looked at those four cities and wondered why they have been grouped together. None of these places had anything in common. Most people might not…

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The Hokie Nation Stood

On a cold April morning
A shock went through the campus
Two of their number were gone
The Hokie Nation woke up

Hours later, as the leaders tried
To make sense of what was happening
Word came of more tragedy

April 26, 2007

Staff writer
Even in the Garden of Eden, questions of evil abounded. Thousands of years later, we are still wrestling with the issue of depravity and the nature of evil.

The tragedy at Virginia Tech…

28 Yankees-Hokies gam~0016.jpg
Players come in from the field after the game.

Photo by George Norton.
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